A fresh OC

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Hey guys we have another OC and i have been so happy to see the requests that I have been getting for the OCs. All I got to say is keep them coming I love Reviewing the OCs. Now to start this OC.

Name: Kimura Miyuki

This is a cute name.

- Part 1: 12
- Part 2: 16
- The last: 19
- Boruto: 31

Alright, so we know she is as old as the Naruto group.

Gender: Female

Family: Kimura Midori (Older sister), Kimura Azumi (Mother), Kimura Atsuya (Father)


Appearance: Miyuki, like her clan, is noted to have a cat-like appearance. She tends to have a spaced out expression, even when paying attention.

That's unique. I bet she gets in a lot of trouble even though she is paying attention. This is a good flaw in appearance.

- Age 12: Miyuki has black hair tied into two twin-tails with black ribbons. When tied, her hair stops just above her shoulders. Otherwise, it reaches her mid back. Her hair is wavy and tends to get tangled easily, to her annoyance. She has golden eyes which glow in the dark (clan trait). When she grins, two small fangs can be seen poking out of her mouth. She has a fair skin with whisker marks on either side. She wears a full-sleeves dark blue jacket with a black shirt underneath, a black skirt reaching her thighs and black leggings. In addition, she wears standard blue sandals. She keeps a small silver locket with her at all times, containing her family's picture.

She has a cute appearance but leggings aren't in the world of Naruto. There are other options though like bandages, fish nets, and tight shorts like how Sakura has in Shippuden. I like how she has the traits from her clan. It shows that she isn't special snowflake.

- Part 2: She ties a small part of her hair into twin-tails and leaves the rest open. Her open hair reaches her waist and the ties one reaches her shoulders. She wears a dark blue hooded jacket, blue pants and thigh high black boots.
She keeps this attire until she becomes a jonin, switching for a green flak jacket, black pants while keeping the same boots.

This is good. I am assuming that the shoes are ninja boots like Sakura in Shippuden and the hoodie jacket is like how Shino's is right? I also like how she changes to more protective gear when she becomes a jounin. This shows she knows that dangers of being a ninja.

Personality: Miyuki is noted to have a odd personality. She is generally quiet and reserved. She is confident but not to the point of arrogance. Although she doesn't usually give much hints about her personality, she tends to display strong emotions when she either likes something a lot or is angered/annoyed beyond limit. This usually comes as a surprise to the rest, although they slowly get used to it. At first glance, she is just another Kimura but unlike most of her peaceful clan, she doesn't hesitate to use violence, though she still says that she'd rather not.

I like how you called it odd but if she is quiet and reserved like her clan than why doesn't she hesitate to use violence? Also if she would rather not use violence than why is that her first option? It's good how she has strong emotions cause it adds to her character but which emotions tends to go over the top? Is it anger? Happy? Sadness? What are all the emotions that she over does?

She is generally the peacemaker of her team when her teammates get into (rare) fights. She gives threats that promise torture but never intends to carry them out. She is resourceful and smart but can be a bit oblivious to the things around her. She is skilled but tends to make trivial mistakes at the worst times.

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