OC 129 (Ren Nohara)

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This OC is by nananami_ I hope you like it.

Name: Ren Nohara

Oh that's a nice name.

Age (she's the same age as Naruto, right now 12)


Gender: Female.


Family: ( Mom and Dad names not canon) Rinako Nohara ( Mom) Ryota Nohara (Dad) Rin Nohara (Older sister (dead)

Nice but aren't the family or at least all the girl's names too similar? Like if this is a clan thing than I get it like Ino and Inojin but other than that. I don't, you know what I bet it makes sense.

Appearance: almost like a carbon copy of Rin, she has brown hair, touching her armpits, brown eyes and purple rectangles on both her cheeks, she 5'1 and shes 50 kg (110 pounds) slightly heavier than girl's her age.

Oh ok, so I'm guessing people confuse her for Rin all the time than?

Personality: She does seem like a mary sue (I'll be honest) She's sweet and kind to people and strangers (a common mary sue traits) she cares a lot about her friends, however it's not really a big secret that she highly despises her older sister after being repeatedly compared to Rin. She's however submissive when put under a lot of pressure and have a mental break downs when the pressure to be the 'perfect' daughter, to be a perfect replacement for Rin . She has inferiority complex putting a brave/perfect front for her friends especially when it comes to her female friends (ones who swoon over Sasuke especially) to show them that they should bloom and instead of focusing on looks they should focus on their skills. Ren is somewhat suicidal (I don''t know how to put it ) she's alright with sacrificing her life for teammates.

I'm not gonna lie this didn't seem marysue at all. You can be kind without being a marysue and you did it in a good way. How you gave her the pressure of being perfect or how she is always compared or is mistaken for Rin. I love how she breaks down under pressure which is very relatable and how she is willing to sacrifice herself showing that she is ready to die for her team. Tbh this isn't marysue at all. Good job.

Battle: For battle, Ren was raised to become a medical nin, she wasn't trained much in the art of poisoning, she was trained for surgery's, heart replacement, e.t.c she has great chakra control a somewhat decent chakra supply but she sucks at getting out/casting/noticing whenever she's placed into a genjutsu, Ren doesn't preform any regular ninjutsus (fire style/ stuff like that) since she tries to conserve her chakra for healing her team. Like any basic kunoichi, she uses Kunais, shurikens, senbons .

This is great, I love you expressed how she was trained in a certain way for medicine and showed that a medic should really be in the back. For instance you wouldn't want the doctor to go to war on the frontlines but people tend to forget that with Sakura. I love how you expressed that she can be a medic and still fight.

Past: When Ren turned 4, her mother trained her day and night with medical ninjutsu, forcing her to watch surgeries, transplants, e.t.c, her mother became extremely strict, especially after Rin died, she made sure her daughter knew more and she was "stronger". And because of that Rinako's standards were set extremely high and often Ren struggled to fit her mother's standards. When she was five, she became friends with Sasuke Uchiha, at this time Ren already disliked her sister A LOT and because of that, Sasuke and Ren would often have intriguing conversations, since sasuke too has an older brother who is a prodigy in his clan and because of that he needed to fit his fathers standards as well. So they bonded because of that, Sasuke also liked the fact hat he was able to talk to Ren without her trying to touch his hair or "marry" him like other chaotic 5 year olds their age. After a few months nearing christmas time, Ren was training with her mother, trying to bring a fish back to life when her mother and her gets into a small argument, Her mother told Ren that she'd trade anything including Ren for Rin to come back and eventually the young girl left the hospital heading to a park where she met Naruto Uzumaki, who's presence she immediately enjoyed, since he never once compared her to anyone and praises her on a daily basis. Eventually one day she's looking for Naruto where she comes across a strange male who was bleeding, ren then helped him, and after a while after she left the man asked her if she knew 'Nohara Rin" which ticked her off and so she told him he was too late and already dead, he eventually got violent. So basically, Ren was always overshadowed by sister, compared to and eventually it lead her to hate Rin.

This is actually a really good past, you showed what it could be like to live under the shadow of an older sibling who people say are better than you or is compared to you all the time. Even the Sasuke friendship makes perfect sense with the connection being their older siblings. Amazing past, top of the line.

relationships with characters: Ren is close friends to Naruto and Sasuke, she's a big role model to Sakura and was friends with the Shy Hinata Hyuga, she also talks to everyone in her class . Ren doesn't have close direct ties with the 3rd Hokage and hasn't (before being grouped in team 7) talked to Kakashi even once before. She doesn't like the 'man' she met a long time ago. Her relationship with her father is decent, however her relationship with her mother is rocky. It's quite obvious how much she despises her sister. She wasn't really close with Itachi or Shisui but she somewhat believes that he didn't kill his clan for the sake of power because she knew how much he loved sasuke and Shisui. For her relationship with Tsunade, They know each other's existence, Ren looks up to Tsunade and Tsunade respects her as a medical nin. She isn't trained by tsunade though during the timeskip rather, she focused on other areas such as genjutsu with Kurenai, taijutsu with Guy-sensei and simple ninjutsu with Kakashi, and with tenten basic knowledge of weapons. She does of course continue to study Medical ninjutsu with her mother though.

Amazing, you wrapped up her relationships with the characters in short sentences that basically gave a full detail of how they would act towards each other.

Other: Ren's grades aren't as high as people think, because she spends most of her time training with her mother, she barely has time to do homework.

That makes sense

Oh one extra thing: The reason why Ren weighs a little more is that she eat impulsively when she's stressed or tired, since at the age of twelve the only source of exercise she'd have would be during free time at the academy or just in the academy in general she'd barely spend time on exercising, she doesn't get to eat much during training so she'd eat a lot when she gets home, that just a little more hahah sorry

It's fine. Tbh she doesn't need to eat a lot to be overweight. Some people are just naturally big boned so she didn't need a reason.

Final Analysis- This is incredible. You made a fantastic OC, the way her past correspondents with her personality is genius. Her way of ninja but always being overshadowed by Rin. Wanting to stick out on her own without being confused with Rin is amazing. I personally hope she has a story for me to read cause I wanna see how it goes. I would definitely read it and I hope to see one if you choose too. There is nothing I can say besides this OC is amazing. Thank you so much for letting me review your OC. It was a honor.

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