OC 106 (Hide Akimoto)

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This OC is by precuhm I hope you like it

Genre: Fanfiction. Got the idea from thinking about how the other two genin teams that graduated with Neji’s team were never shown or talked about. 

That's a good idea

Name: Hide- 英 "hero, outstanding" 
Akimoto-秋元 “rising sun”

Nice name

(first name pronounced “hee-deh”

Part I:13-14
Part II: 17-18
The Last: 20-21
Boruto: 33-(?) 

Oh so about a year older, duh you said the other teams with neji. What am I thinking?

Gender: Male


Family: Honoka Tokugawa (mother, alive, forced in seclusion by her clan so he doesn’t know she’s alive), Masami Akimoto (father, alive), Baku Tokugawa (half-brother, alive, meets him during time-skip). He has lots of family on his moms side (they don’t claim him until after the 4th ninja war because his dad is a poor), and he has his dad’s parents (who he doesn’t interact with until time skip).

Thanks for the family relations and life status.

Appearance: Here’s an image, but a detail that’s hard to see is that he has freckles and natural bags under his eyes.

Appearance: Here’s an image, but a detail that’s hard to see is that he has freckles and natural bags under his eyes

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This is a amazing imagine, did you draw it? It's really good.

Personality: Although Hide is usually reserved, he has an inner flame (no pun intended) that will one day shine bright. He is always scared of being misunderstood so he tends to stay quiet with larger crowds. However, if he’s around people like him or people who he trust, you really see the difference in his personalities. He’s not afraid to be joyous and throw his ideas out if he’s comfortable enough with you. Hide is guided by his principals more than he is guided by logic or rules. However not everyone understands why he is this way which can leads to arguments if they disagree with his actions. Hide doesn’t know better though because he only does what he thinks is right. He also wants to understand what his place in the world is so he’s open to trying new things.

Nice and it just shows that when he is around people he can love and trust he let's loose, very nice.

Good Traits: He’s able to communicate deeply with others and lend a hand when it comes to ideas. He’s a team player and always thinks about others before himself. He learns easily through spoken words and pictures. He’s also a great listener so he catches on to things other people might not. He also catches onto new SPOKEN languages (he learns two during time skip because *spoiler*) and meanings behind symbols fairly quickly. Since he’s good with communication, he’s able to solve problems with MOST people very peacefully (of course not including enemies).1-2 Primary

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