OC rapid fire part 5 (Shizuo)

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This is the 5th one in rapid fire mode. I can not believe how much I did. This is great. Anyway let's keep this short. This one is also from NWO_FullMetal so I hope you all like it. Now on with the OC.

Name: Shizuo Kōsaka 

A very mature sounding name. Nice.

Age: He's 11-23in 0.5 In Part 1 he's 24. and in Part 2 he's 29-30. Part 3: He's 49. He's 5 years older than Akashi. 

Oh a OC that is even older than Akashi. Perfect.

Name Information: According to BehindTheName Shizuo means "Peaceful Hero"  As for Kōsaka I couldn't find much information on this name. Although an anime character with this name is Shigure Kōsaka from History's Strongest Disciple.

It's ok it's a great translation.

Clan: Kōsaka
Oh a nice clan. I can't wait to read about it.

Kōsaka Clan Details: The Kōsaka originated from the land of wind. The Kosaka clan doesn't have any Genjutsu or Ninjutsu capabilities although the members of the Kōsaka clan do have exceptional skills in Taijutsu and weaponry since it's their only way they can fight. 

A very unique clan. I love how it's a clan that all have the same problem and focus on the same thing. It makes it much different. 

During the first and second shinobi wars, they developed various weapons for combat. Kunai knives, swords, bow and arrows, staffs, etc; 

Oh and they made the world's weapons. That makes it better and perfect. Not to mention it goes great with the clan since they are masters of weaponry.

Family: Shina Kōsaka (Mother), Deceased, Hisaya Matsu (Father),  Alive, Kayo Matsu (Older Sister) Alive. 

Thank you for the life status.

It may not be a technique that only his clan can develop, but he does have a secret technique that he uses. He's capable of teaching it to others outside of his clan, but they must be deemed worthy. (He doesn't start teaching people until part 2. 

Cool, it also shows what kind of person he is. The fact that he has to deem them worthy first shows his character.

 Odi No Me. オディの目 (Eye Of Odin)

What is odi no me?: is a dormant sixth sense that many people can possess. Though each average human holds the potential to utilize it through intense and very long training. Those who possess the gift are able to instinctively sense how people and objects relate to them, which manifests as a colored glow, much like an aura. Red indicates enemies or spilled blood, blue indicates allies, white indicates sources of information, and gold indicates targets or objects of interest (First learns this at 10, which means he already has it when he's introduced, though he's just barely getting the hang of it, he's only been training with it for six months at this point)  

Nice, it seems like a very strong move so I'm glad you added needs intense training. However, I would also recommend a consequence in using this move. Only to add to it.

When an individual masters Odi no me, the ability can evolve to the more advanced level of Odi No Me. This stage heightens all the senses of its user, allowing them to detect the heartbeat of a target in the area, or even foresee a target's path. Some individuals also developed exotic variations of the gift; one application allowing its wielder to peer into the memories of their target upon killing them while another one allowed a gifted individual to become a kind of lie detector, knowing when someone was lying or telling the truth to them. (HE DOES NOT LEARN THIS UNTIL END OF PART 1.) (MASTERS IT IN PART 2 AT THE AGE OF 30)

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