OC Sprint 19 (Yvette Tenji)

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Hey guys guess who's back....back again, I am happy to be doing these Naruto OC reviews again. Regents are about to be soon but I had a great break and I can manage doing these and tests so it's no big deal. We are doing OC sprint which means there are gonna be a lot of OCs being published at once. So let those OCs knock on my door because I am ready to review. This OC is by metal_kittens and i hope you like it.

Genre: Used for Fanfiction

Nice, I would read it.

Name: Yvette Tenji    

Oh, that's a nice and unique name.

Age: 12 part 1, part 2 16, The Last 18, Baruto 30 

Oh ok, so she is part of the Naruto age group.

Gender: Female


Family:(Mother) Chi Tenji (Pureblood),  (Father) Takashi Tenji (pure blood),


Appearance Hair color and style: Black, part 1 has bangs with pretty short hair up to her mid  neck, Shippuden goes to mid back bit is always in a high ponytail, The Last keeps it down and is up to her lower back like Hinata, Baruto cuts it down to her shoulders so her kid wont pull it but kept it short after liking the style.                  

Oh cool, thanks for giving all of her hair styles from 12 to the last.

Eye color: Icey Blue 


Skin Tone: Pale


Body Type: Part 1 very petite and skinny, Shippuden more chunky a bit curvy not as petite (like Ino), Last has more noticeable muscle and very curvy from fighting, Baruto still the same but less muscle since she doesnt fight anymore.             

Oh ok, and I like how you didn't focus on giving her back breaking boobs.

Weight:Part 1 82, Shippuden 120, The Last 150 (muscle mostly  ) , Baruto 142  (in pounds)
Height: Part 1 4'2, Shippuden 5'0 , The last 5'2, Baruto  5'2 with heels 5'5

Nice and each age has a great height to weight ratio.

Personality: Very wise, accepts people for who they are but sometimes accepts the wrong people like Sasuke and could support a bad thing, kind and very friendly, very sensitive when it comes to love, is very serious when she has to be especially when killing people but is mentally strong because of that           

Oh, she has an adult like personality or has the saying a adult trapped in a kid body. Nice.
Battle: Uses Taijutsu and is very quick and swift, she relys alot on her Kekkei Genkai, she uses shuriken and kunai, she knows Earth and Lightning style but doesnt really use it much. She could use genjutsu cause of her eye but she doesnt really use it unless shes in trouble.
Oh ok, I wonder what goes on with her eye and Kekkei Genkai.
Past: Yvette was born outside Konoha in the land of snow  while her mother was working but was raised in Konoha after mainly by her father because their clan house is there . At a young age Yvette's father would take her on missions to expose his daughter early to the cruel ninja world she would have to eventually face so she wouldnt be scared, she eventually got used to seeing many horrific sights  and started fighting for her father as part of what he called  training in his missions.

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