OC 82 (Shurui Tamashi)

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This OC is by -misshatake I hope you like it.

Genre : Naruto Roleplay / Fanfiction ( might become one , I don't know yet ) , partially for fun. My third time submitting , by the way . Sorry , can't stop , this is just too good . This time I actually took my time to think through my oc .

You always have good OCs so I can't wait for this one.

Last Name : Shurui ( 種類 , meaning ' kind ' , and a couple other similar defenitions . )
First Name : Tamashi ( 魂 , meaning ' soul ' , direct defenition ) .
I was aiming for a name with a deep meaning .

This is a nice translation

Gender : Male


Sexuality :
[ Part I , 12 years old ] - confused , considers himself to be bisexual .
[ Part II , 16 years old ] - closet gay .
[ Part II , 17 - 18 years old ] - openly gay .

Nice conflict to finding himself.

Love Interest :
[ Part I , 12 years old ] - Uchiha Sasuke , crush , Shurui found him attractive , though he was afraid to admit that to his team because of Aijin , Sasuke's twin sister ( I submitted her earlier ) .
[ Part II , 16 years old ] - Hyuuga Eiiji ( oc , other team member , no , not related to Ai Senju , different person and different universes ) , in love , scared to confess .
[ Boruto , 32 years old ] - Married , Hyuuga Eiiji , have an adopted child .

This is cool and the fact that he found another love is cool too.

Family :
Shurui Manami , mother , alive , divorced .
Shurui Yuuma , father , alive , divorced .
Shurui Genkei , younger brother ( by three years ) , alive .

Thanks for the life status and their relationship to the OC.

Age :
[ Pre - Part I ] - 6
[ Part I ] - 12 / 13
[ Part II ] - 16 / 18
[ The Last ] - 19
[ Boruto ] - 32 / N/A

So the age of the Naruto group.

Personality : Shurui appears to be a kind boy with a heart of gold , and doesn't believe that fights are the solution of a problem , despite his profession . He's a soft spoken male , apologizes for nearly everything , and gives off the innocent vibe , though his personality isn't approved by many because of his career as a shinobi , believing Shurui should be more emotionally hardened . The red head believes otherwise , and strives to make his mother proud , make use to his village and protect people dear to him . He is determined to become someone great , make a name for himself in spite to his civilian background . Though Shurui tends to get side tracked a lot , and honestly cares more for other people rather than himself . He doesn't get discouraged easily , hence , he came so far . The male loves to make / see people happy , especially if he's the reason for that .

This is really cool, his personality is great and goes together nicely. The traits he has are perfect.

Kekkei Genkai : None .
Kekkei Genkai Abilities : None .


Battle : Shurui relies mostly on his genjutsu , because of his small chakra reserves ( civilian family , no ninja aside from him ) , it's easier for him to control his chakra , though takes time and practise . Shurui loves spacing out , tapping into his reserves and pushing his limits . He is a curious boy , wondering what would happen had he bent his chakra that way , or molded that , etc . Thus , genjutsu came as second nature , because Shurui found himself enjoying in layering his chakra carefully , and grows excited whenever he feels drousy from chakra overuse because he felt improvement .

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