OC 85 (Ushi Kemono)

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This OC is by kuronoushi1 I hope you like it.

Name: Ushi(牛 - Ox) Kemono (けもの- beast)

Nice name

Birthday: 16th February


14(First appearance)
21(The Last)

Oh so a year older than Lee and Neji

Gender: Female


APPEARANCE Ushi has short brown hair with bangs that cover her white eyes since she's blind. Dirt, grime and smudges cover her face making her look much like a street rascal. She's pale due to being malnourished. Ushi wears a long, white shirt with paint smudged on it, her black ninja trousers her torn and her sandals are worn out. Her white head band is tied to her forehead to stop her bangs from covering her eyes.

Later on, Ushi wears a fishnet shirt, on the shirt she wears a black open jacket. Her ninja trousers are black with one side rolled up. In the Last, Ushi wore a brown sweater on top of a white T-shirt. Black ninja trousers with less pouches and sandals. Her head band now placed to cover her eyes

In Boruto, she wears a brown sweater on a navy blue shirt, a long dark blue skirt and her headband is nowhere in sight

These are some good outfits and I can easily imagine them, good job.

Background: Ushi was found outside konoha's walls where she was brought in by a guard. She was found near a mass of cattle thus her name. She grew up with no idea on who her parents were, if they where alive, she grew up with the notion that her parents simply didn't want or abandoned. She was given a small apartment near the Ken clan compound. She barely graduated and got into Team 6.

So they didn't suspect a baby outside Konoha walls? They just brought her in with no knowledge of anything? They didn't even try to find out where she cam from? That's important they should have at least looked for her parents or some kind of lead to them.

Personality: Ushi has always been possessive over her friends and those she loves which made her quite clingy. Even though, it is rare to see Ushi panicking. She also tends to forget things.

This is different and really good. She has a trait that makes her stand out.

Relationship with characters:
Ko Ken: she developed a small crush on him since she started living near the Ken clan compound. She immensely admired his skills. Unknown to Ushi, Ko also liked her. She only admitted her crush in part 2

Nice so she falls in love with another OC. That's cool

Battle: Ushi prefers using raw strength and teamwork to her advantage rather than planning. She usually goes head on into a fight.

Great and it works like she can be hit and fall into the enemy trap.

Justu Sō atari: The sō atari can be naturally acquired by a pure blooded kemono clan member or for half bloods, the sō atari can only be acquired by training hard. It takes a sense from the user such sight, smell or even touch. It also reduces the life span of the user
Water release: giant vortex Justu
Water release: Wild Water Wave
Water release: Water Dragon Whip

Nice and this can be used as a lead to find her parents. They know what clan she is from and it never said her family or clan was dead.

Final Analysis- I don't have much to say because she has little to her and it all looks good. There is a bump where they just take in a stray baby but other than that this OC is good...well except we don't know anything about the parents at all. Thanks for letting me review your OC. It was a honor.

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