OC 31 (Inuzuka Hinami)

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This OC is by Vee_34 and I hope you like it.

Name: Inuzuka, Hinami (beautiful little doll)

Cute name

Nickname: Hina

The nickname fits perfectly, great job.

Age: 12 (Boruto)

Oh so this is a Boruto OC? That's cool i only got about 1 or maybe 2.

Gender: female


Relations: Yuki Inuzuka - mother (deceased), Kiba Inuzuka - father (alive), Tsume Inuzuka - grandmother (alive), Hana Inuzuka - aunt (alive), grandfather (unknown)

This is nice, I'm also happy that you used a character that didn't already have kids. Not to mention it was a great way to pay a contribution to Kiba.

Height: 5'3

Weight: 112

A pretty good height to weight ratio.

Hair: Dark brown, messy hair that goes to her armpits put into pig tails

Nice and it matches Kiba's hair color.

Skin: fair skin and red upside down triangles on her cheeks 

Cool the only thing is about skin. Which variation of fair skin are you using? Is it more dark or light?

Eyes: Black


Outfit: Gray, zip up, sleeveless shirt with a short sleeve mesh shirt underneath followed by a cream colored skirt with a light cream fur trim with a triangle cut out from the right side. Underneath the cut out is a maroon (reddish brown) diamond replacing the open space, followed by mesh shorts that go 3/4 above the knee. Her shoes are regular black ninja shoes. She also wears a black ninja headband across her forehead.

Nice and the detail for the outfit is great. You did well describing the outfit.

Perasonality: Hinami was always a sarcastic, blunt girl that knows when to be serious. She would always smile and gave everyone the benefit of the doubt, that is until her mother died. She became much colder and somewhat of a loner. When it comes to personal topics she tends to avoid them as much as possible. She doesn't like to fight much unless you get her angry enough to (example: the way her father gets her angry just by hearing his voice) Hina is more on the calm side, apart from her anger and sadness. With those two emotions she can't really think properly when they are at an extreme level. Otherwise she over thinks-a lot. Hinami has a fear of the dark which gets in the way of doing overnight missions and is always hard on herself which can get in the way of her fighting when she's putting herself down, but can also make her work harder. 

She has a great personality that fits into one category, however, there is one thing that is off. If she don't like fighting, why become a ninja? If you don't like something you tend to stay away from it and avoid any counter with whatever it is. In her case it would be fighting which ninjas do all the time. Not to mention the only fighting when mad thing is a cliche that is commonly used which should be avoided.

Kekkei Genkai: her dog, Usagi


Dog appearance: black fur aside from the white fur on her stomach, front left paw, and muzzle. She gets her name from her ears. Right: long and floppy, Left: long, and perked up. Her eyes are black. 

A beautiful description of the dog and goes into great detail. Great job.

Battle: Defensive. She's about average in everything, but genjutsu and taijutsu, but make up for it with her amazing chakra control.

Nice but what about her intelligence and strategy in battle?

Past: Yuki and Kiba were close friends from different academy classes as kids. As adults they met up at a bar and got drunk, leading to a one time hook up, resulting in the birth of Hinami. Kiba had no knowledge of Yuki getting pregnant. Hinami grew up with knowledge of her dad, but wanted nothing to do with him. She felt that if he wasn't there for her then, he wouldn't be there for her now. She even thought that he was a terrible person for not visiting Yuki after all those years. Hinami had received Usagi at the age of 4. Yuki went out on a mission, a week prior to Hinami meeting Kiba, but never returned. Hinami went searching for her and found her dead body, not knowing how she died. Because her mother's family is unknown, she was taken in by Kiba. Hinami constantly engages in battle with him to try to show that she is stronger, but always fails. She even still calls him by his name. 

It is a great past and defined Kiba and Yuki but how did a 4 year old child find a dead body that was never recovered? If Yuki went missing on a mission than how can someone, let alone a child, find her? Also why didn't the guards stop her? It's obviously that she has to leave the village to find her mother, so what, the guards just let her past easy as pie?

Other: Hinami trained Usagi to be a fighting animal as well as an emotional support dog. 
She is very fond of Sarada and has a great respect for her because of her mom. Hina looks up to Sakura as a role model. This is because she believes that she is the face of women empowerment. Sakura gives Hinami hope that even someone as weak as her can succeed. She even wants to learn medical ninjitsu because of her.

That's great and I love how you used the main heroine in Naruto as Hina's role model and made Sarada her friend but why is Hina defined as weak? We don't know if she's weak unless you make her weak. What specifically makes Hina weaker than Sarada, Chocho, or even Sumie?

Final Analysis- This OC is really good but does have a few bugs that need to be sort out. One is the many questions I asked that need to be answered. Another thing is the personality and how not fighting unless angry, which people don't do at all. If you choose to fight it's because you want to and not because your angry. Anger can make you force yourself to fight but than that would mean that she is angry 24/7. Everything else really about her is great and she has amazing potential. I'm even going out the OC line and saying that you yourself have great description skills because I could picture her outfit in my mind while I was reading and reviewing her. This skill is very important in making OCs and stories in general because if you have to describe something like a outfit or a fight scene than you need to actually be good at it which you are. It was a honor to review your OC and thank you for letting me review her.

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