1. Wear Another Colour

Start from the beginning

There go his sweet, poetic words that used to make my knees buckle. To be honest, they still make me weak, but I'm way too nervous for this date to draw my attention to anything else right now.

This is the first date I will be going on since Harry and I broke up five months ago. Those months went by agonisingly slow and it feels like we have been broken up for five years, not five months.

The thing is, when we first broke up we were only apart four days and we couldn't resist each other. We got back together and a week later we were facing the same problems that caused us to break up in the first place. Two weeks went by and at a friends birthday party we couldn't keep our hands off each other and went back to the both of us lying naked beneath white cotton sheets.

We came to an agreement that cutting off complete contact from one another was the best way to go. If we both got invited to an event, only one would attend. If we had the urge to contact one another, that was stopped by the block that we both had on each other's numbers on our phones.

Two and a half months went by and those months were the hardest, yet most productive months of the year. My sole focus was on my family and my career. I produced 3/4 of an album and spent so much time back home in Australia. I was able to watch my niece and nephew grow up in person instead of through my phone screen. 

Harry and I got together too young and at the peak of our careers. Our work didn't allow us a stable relationship. Maybe one day we will find our way back to each other. That will all come down to fate and what is in store for us. 

Could I see myself with someone other than Harry? Well I guess we will find out tonight.

"Thanks, but I'm pretty average. There are way prett-"

"No." He cuts me off with a stern voice. He turns to face me and places his hands on my shoulders. He lowers his head so that he is eye level with me. "There isn't." 

Harry turns back to my wardrobe and pulls out an olive green dress from my wardrobe. It is long with a slit in the leg but it is a halter neck up the top.

A laugh escapes through my lips. "Of course you choose a minimally revealing outfit."

Harry shrugs. "If a guy really cares about you then he will accept that you don't reveal your body to him. He will get to see your body when he deserves to see it. Besides, there's a slit in the leg so he will get to see those long bronzed legs and that is all the excitement he will be getting tonight."

I take the dress from him and stare at it for a moment. The words he just said to me replay through my mind. He is right, if a guy truly cares about me then he won't ghost me just because I didn't have my tits out on our first date. 

"You know, you kinda sound like you're my father, Styles."

He grins at me. "Well in that case, you're grounded and cannot go out."

I hold in my laughter this time. "Oh my gosh." I walk into the bathroom and close the door behind me. "So, how's your love life?" I ask. I know he has been sleeping around but whenever I ask about it he shrugs or changes the topic. He is always so keen to speak about my love life instead of his own. 

I can't see his facial expression but I'm assuming it would explain a lot more to me how he's feeling rather than his words. "I don't know. How's the dress?"

He is quick to change the topic. "It's comfortable. It feels like pyjamas because of the silk. Just thinking about pyjamas makes me sleepy."

"Well, it's not too late to back out on this date" he says to me as I walk out of the bathroom. His eyes rake up and down my body. "You look incredible."

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