First Day of School

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"Are you excited for school tomorrow?" Ryder asked as we both laid out on the beach. He had just got off work and was surfing when I ran into him on the beach. I didn't have work today so I was the only one home. Lyle had to go into work and get his class room ready. Ryder put his board down and joined me on the sand. 

"Why would I be excited to go to school?"

"I don't know. New year, new school, you can be anyone you want to be. What's your game plan?"

"My game plan, keep a low profile. Stick to myself, and try to get through the year without incident." He laughed at me.

"That's a shitty game plan."

"Yeah well I don't really play well with others, and I loathe school so...that's my plan. I just want to get my diploma and get it over with."

"That's boring, but it'll probably work. You're kind of scary and since no one knows you if you scowl all day long like I have a feeling you will, nobody will bother talking to you."

"Awesome!" he laughed.

"Why are you so anti-social?"

"I have my reasons." I mumbled.

"Riwy!" a little voice shouted from far away. I groaned as Ryder chuckled. "Riwy, Riwy, Riwy," river slowed down when he saw Ryder. He clung to my arm and hid behind my shoulder. "Hi mister."

"Hi," Ryder smiled.

"Riwy, Ly-Ly says that you needs to come inside cause he misses you." River mumbled keeping an eye on Ryder.

"Who's Ly-Ly?" Ryder asked amused.

"My boyfriend." I said standing up.

"Oh cool can I meet him?" I cringed.


"Awe why not?" because you'll probably meet him tomorrow.

"Ly-Ly says you can't come cause you're a stranger!" River said sticking out his tongue.

"What the kid said." I mumbled nodding to river.

"I'm going to get to meet him eventually right?" Ryder asked. "You met my girlfriend. It's only fair." I gave him a confused look as River tugged on my hand.

"Riwy come on Ly-Ly is waiting!"

"When did I meet your girlfriend?" I asked.

"She gave you her book." My eyes widened when I remembered the girl I met at the library. 

"Whoa, that's weird." I mumbled.


"Hey River be nice. If it wasn't for Ryder you would have been lost on the beach and alone that day you ran off." River frowned and looked at the ground.


"Ah! What I say?"

"Be nice." He grumbled. He mumbled a few things under his breath as he stomped back towards the loft.

"I have to go."

"I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Maybe my plan is to lay low remember?"

"I'll see you tomorrow." Ryder smirked. "I'll find you." I rolled my eyes and walked back up towards the loft.

"Hey." I said walking to the loft. "What was so important you had to send the kid down to get me?"

"I missed you, did he not tell you?" Lyle said wrapping his arms around my waist. I giggled as he placed little kisses along my neck. "I have to get all this out of my system since I'm going to have to see you tomorrow and hold it all in." he said as he kissed my face. I giggled and pushed him away.

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