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Taehyung bit nervously on his nails. He sat in a small cafe where he would meet his little brother. He didn't see him at the wedding having left early so this was the first time in years that he would see him.

"Hyung." A soft voice said. Taehyung looked at the smaller male. He looked a bit like Taehyung but their we're many differences. "Hi Taewon." Taehyung said, his deep voice contrasting the younger. "You changed a lot." Taehyung said looking at the younger. Taewon was the youngest of the family. He had small noodle arms and his skin was pretty pale. Now he had grown what in length, had visible muscles and a light tan. "And you stayed the same." Taewon said as he looked at his older brother.

The two brothers caught up for a while till Taewon asked what he actually came for. "Hyung, how did you know that you were gay?" "Well I started feeling attracted to boys like other guys would tell me the felt about girls. At first I thought it was weird and that their was something wrong with me but the internet helped a lot. And then just personal experiences with both gender that made me sure of it. What about you. Why did you start questioning your sexuality?" "I always liked girls but lately males also are appealing to me." Taewon answered with a shaky voice. "Hey I won't judge. Just relax." Taehyung reassured him. "Hyung I'm afraid. What if I am something's than straight. I don't want to be hate by our family. I don't think I could take that. His did you do it hyung?" Taehyung noticed that the youngest of the family was still very dependent on what the family thought. If he dodging get praised for something he did or he thought he did something wrong he would always think everyone hated him or something along those lines. " I didn't. I developed a split personality because I couldn't take it." Taehyung admits. "But now I have a handsome boyfriend and a good best friend who help me with it." He smiled.

After some talking Taehyung came up with a few things his brother could probably identify with. "Thank you hyung. It was nice seeing you again. I'm glad you don't hate me for what happened." "Same here. I honestly miss you guys." "Oh Taeyong noona is here. I got to go. Bye." "Bye." And that's how Taehyung left with a smile on his face.

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