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👆🏼If someone could get me some it would be nice. I have huge writes block and on top of that today was my first school day. I spend at least a week writing this. Hope you like it.

Taehyung had never been to a concert of Chyper so he was more than excited but the fear of losing the memory thanks to V was bigger. He had been quietly flowing Jungkook the hole concert and Jungkook was beginning to worry. "Babe are you okay?" "I'm fine." Taehyung said waving it off. Jungkook frowned a bit. He knew something was bothering him but he let it be for now.

When they got home Taehyung was mentally exsouthed from fighting his nervousness and V he just polped on the cough and just stayed their staring into space. "Hyung?" Jungkook said waving his hand in front of his face. Their was no reaction. After the tenth time Jungkook began to worry. "Taehyung?" Jungkook bit his lip as he shook the older.

"Hi kookie I forgot to... What's wrong?" Jimin asks walking in on Jungkook being close to tears. "It's Tae hyung. He isn't responding. He just sat down and spaced out. I can't get to him." Jungkook says in a panic. "Hey Kook take a breath your working yourself into a panic attack." Jimin warns putting a hand on his shoulder to ground him. Jungkook took a few deep breaths before focusing on the situation at hand.

Taehyung was still spaced out on the couch. Jimin kneeled down before him. Before he could do anything Taehyung began smirking. "Hi midget." V greets Jimin. "You seem shorter today." Jimin tsked as he stud up. "I think your problem is fixed." "What problem?" Taehyung asks making the two boy whip their heads around. "What? Weren't you just now..?" Jungkook asks confused. "I still am." V's deeper voice says. "Guys are you okay?" Taehyung asks seeing their faces. "Taehyung do you feel okay?" Jimin asks carefully. Taehyung had told them how violent V could get. "I'm a bit dizzy to be honest." "Maybe you should lie down." Jungkook suggests. "You look tired."

Taehyung tried to get up but finds that he can't move. "I can't. I can't move." He says looking up distressed. "Stop fighting." V's deeper voice says tears start to form in his eyes. "Guys I'm scared." Taehyung admits as he starts to panic. "Stop trying to fight me you dumb fuck. I'm just here to help you." V says loudly close to yelling.

The two other boy just stand their not knowing what to do. Suddenly Jungkook feels a impact in his stomach. "Jungkook!" Jimin yells helping the boy up. Taehyung or V, at this point no one know when he is what, had darted up and punched Jungkook into his stomach. They look up at the crying boy. His entire body is shaking.

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