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"Let me go!" A 15 year old Taehyung screamed. He had been waiting for one of brothers to pick him up from school when some dude had grabbed him. "Shut up princess. If you do you might enjoy this." The man said as he dragged Taehyung away.

Not long after something was pressed against his face and a weird fume entered his nose. Now Taehyung was really panicking. He wanted to trash around more and escaped the mans hold but his arms and legs started to feel heavy. Before he knew it he passed out. As his mind swam in a dark place his body was being dragged away to what he would call hell.

When Taehyung woke up he found himself bound to a bed. He treated to struggle against the restrains but his body felt too heavy. He could barely move. So he had no choice but just lay their.

"Hello princess." A voice rang true the cold and dark room Taehyung was in. Taehyung felt himself tense up. What was going to happen to him? The man stroke his face. "Where going to have a little fun time." The man said before forcing something into Taehyungs mouth. Taehyungs eyes widened as the man went between his already spread legs, thanks tho the restraints. "Don't! Stop! Don't touch me! Please let me go!" Taehyung tried to scream but it was no use. The gag in his mouth made all his words incoherent babbles. As Taehyung felt something push inside him he started sobbing form pain and embarrassment. He was being touched in place he didn't want to.

This happened for some time till one day the police stormed the place and took Taehyung back to his parents. Apparently Taehyung had been missing for three weeks and his parents made no effort to search for him.

"Why didn't you look for me?" Taehyung asked one day as he sat at the dinner table. "Because we don't want a disgrace as son. We were better off with you being gone. The only reason your out of that place was because someone important was locked their too. They should have left your fagot ass locked up in their. You have no use for us. What happened to you was what you get for being a fagot." His father spat. "Taehyung. Your no longer welcome in this house." His mother spoke his name like it was venom. "Be glad you grandma is taking you in. If it was me I would leave you to die on the street. Scum like you shouldn't be allowed to live."

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