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"Morning!" Taehyung yelled as he straddled Jungkook. "Waky waky Kookie. I made eggs and bacon." Taehyung started to tickle the poor sleeping boy. "Hyung." Jungkook groaned. "Great you're awake. Breakfast is ready. Eat while I shower." Taehyung said quickly getting off to avoid getting shoved like the last time. "Kookie don't frown like that." Taehyung frowned with the boy. "I'm not in the mood Taehyung hyung." Jungkook said slumping of he bed. "Sorry." Taehyung softly said before entering the bathroom.

"Okay can some one explain why you kids are so quite today?" Jimin asked as the walked to school. The hole way they walked was quite. "Taehyung what happened to talking my ears of like you did the last few days? And why is Kook so grumpy?" "Sorry hyung, I just don't feel like it today and Kook has been grumpy since this morning. I think I did something to upset him." Taehyung sighed. Jungkook hadn't uttered a other word since this morning and it honestly upset Taehyung. Right now Jungkook wasn't even listening to the consternation happening right next to him. He had his earbuds in blasting G dragons bullshit (I love that song) hoping he would feel better.

The day went by a usual the only exception that Jungkook and Taehyung had been quite. "I'm going?" Jungkook suddenly said standing up from the lunch table. "Where are you going?" Taehyung asked softly. "I'm going to run on the tracks." Jungkook shortly answered before walking away.

Taehyung just frown as Jungkook left the scene. "How about we go watch him?" Jimin asked trying to cheer up Taehyung. It was obvious that Taehyung liked being near Jungkook and seeing the younger down made his mood go down too. "Sure." Taehyung mumbled before getting his stuff.

"He's pretty fast, isn't he?" Jimin said as he saw Jungkook fly by on the tracks. "Yeah."

'Admit it.' V's voice rang true Taehyungs head making him shiver.

'Admit What?' Taehyung asked confused.

'You think he is hot. Especially with his muscles on display like that.'

'Where is the lie tough.'

"Taehyung are you okay?" Jimin asked him taking him out of his gay dream. "Uh?" Hummed confusions painted on his face. "You were mumbling to yourself." Jimin explained. "Oh, I just zoned out for a bit." "Okay." Jimin said with a knowing look.

50 shades of purple (Taekook)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora