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Jungkook had just skipped school since this was really an emergency. He had called an ambulance having a feeling that this was much worse than the last time. Now he was extremely worried seeing that Taehyung had been taken to three ER and he hadn't heard anything thing in the past hour.

As he nervously sat in the waiting room. His leg couldn't stop bouncing as his mind raced to the worst case scenarios. He glanced over at the clock. He was here for nearly two hours.

"Family of Kim Taehyung." A woman announced. Jungkook darted up when he finally heard that their was some news. "I'm his boyfriend." He said. The woman looked at him weirdly for a second when they made eye contact before acting professional. "Mr Kim had an overdoses." Jungkooks heart clenched at that information. "Their is not much els to it. He had been taking medication that could be used as antidepressants so it would be best to take him to his therapist when discarded."

The talk with the doctor was short  which Jungkook was tankful for because the sooner they stop talking the sooner he can see Taehyung again. He entered the small hospital room seeing a sleeping Taehyung. Hospitals made him sick but for Taehyungs sake he sucked it up. He never had what you call nice experiences in a hospital. All he could remember being in here where bad times. Like when Namjoon had heart surgery or his mom died.

"You had me so worried." Jungkook said letting out tears of frustration and relief when he saw Taehyung waking up. It had taken an other hour for Taehyung to wake up. "What happened?" "You overdosed. Why? Why did you do it? Did you try to kill your self?" Jungkook couldn't help it anymore. He bursted out in sobs. "Please don't again. I don't think I can lose anybody els." Taehyung whipped Jungkooks tears but it was no use as a waterfall of new ones would appear a second later.

Two updates because I didn't posted for a few days.

50 shades of purple (Taekook)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora