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A/N: I'm going to change the time I will be uploading but it will still be daily. 15:00 isn't working for me.

"I totally ship them their my otp." Jungkook said when the movie finished. "I understand that you ship Tony and Cap but I think my otp is better." Taehyung challenged. "Okay tell me." Jungkook said taunting the older boy. "Tony and Jarvis." He said before they both bursted into laughter. "Okay, Okay new question.Who is your favorite Marvel character?" Mine is Iron man." "Yeah I figured that out after I saw your action figures." Taehyung chuckled. "Mine is black widow. I mean the girl can straight up slay anyone and still look good after. She is a queen." "True. Let's play fuck, marry, kill." Jungkook suggested. Taehyung just nodded feeling way better than normal after his episode.

"Jiminie hyung help me." Taehyung whines. As the three of the walk to school from campus. "With what?" "We played fuck marry kill and he that from Chyper he would kill All three. I asked him why but he won't answer." "Do you hate them?" Jimin asked Jungkook. "No I couldn't hate them even if I wanted too." "Than why? I really don't see the need for you to not chose between them and just straight up kill them all in the game." "Listen I'm done with your whining. Can we drop the subject." Jungkook asked picking his cheek with his tongue in irritation. The other two nodded and went on about an other topic.

"What do you mean you can't come?" Jungkook asked true the phone.

"Sorry buddy but our manager had planned an extra few concerts so our tour begins earlier than expected. We won't be able to celebrate our birthdays together. I person at least." Namjoon explained.

"It's okay. But will Jinnie hyung be able to come?" Jungkook asked hoping that he would see at least on of his hyungs in person for his birthday.

"Sorry champ. Hyungs exam is on your birthday so he won't make it in time." Namjoon sighed he really didn't want to upset his little brother. He knew how much it meant that they would celebrate together. "I need to go now have fun at school."

"Okay speak to you later have fun at your tour." Jungkook sighed as he got of the phone. His brother was always busy so their birthdays would be the only time they would actually spend hold days together. He missed his brother now more than ever.

Jungkook went straight to bed after finishing his home work. It was already half way true August which meant his birthday was soon. He was alway exited about it but now he just wanted it to be over.

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