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A/N: I know I said 15:00 but my mom decided to drag me out of the house the one time in two weeks that I have something to do. I tried uploading from her phone but apparently I couldn't do shit on the site and I'm not planning on downloading the app on my moms phone. No, thank you.

When Taehyung woke up he was met with a cute boy sitting on the other side of the room on the other bed. The boy had a cute bunny like smile and black hair of which the fringe covered his eyes. "Hi." The boy shyly waved when he noticed Taehyung was awake. "Hi, I'm Taehyung, my friends call me Taetae or Tae." Taehyung introduced himself rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. " I'm Jeongguk. But you can call me Jungkook." Jungkook introduced himself.

They were silent for a while till Taehyungs stomach rumbled. "Hey, Jungkook want to grab some food. We can get to know each other a bit better since we were living together for a year." "How does pizza sound. I saw this pizza place a few blocks away when driving here." "Okay, let's go." Taehyung jumped off his bed with a sudden burst of energy surprising Jungkook making the boy flinch. "Sorry, I'm just really hyper most of the time," Taehyung explained his sudden reaction. Jungkook just nodded and grab his belonging to go out.

"You know your pretty cute." Taehyung suddenly blurted out making Jungkook stare at him in disbelief as they sat in the pizza place Jungkook mentioned. "W-what?" Taehyung just gave Jungkook a box smile but it soon flattered when he directly looked in Jungkook's eyes that weren't cover by fringe for once. "Oh my god," Taehyung whispered. Jungkook already saw this coming. He was probably going to get some nasty comments from Taehyung if he was lucky. If he wasn't so lucky it could turn out way worse like that time... Jungkook's taught process was cut off by an overly excited Taehyung. "Oh my god you got heterochromia and one of your eye's is purple." "Wait, rewind for a second. You don't think I'm a freak or something because of my purple eye?" Jungkook asked shocked. "Why would I think you're a freak? I think out of all abnormal eye colors you got the best one." "How come?" Jungkook asked curiously. "Because every color for me has a meaning and purple has the most beautiful one." "What does purple mean to you then?" "Purple is the color of love. Most people say it's red or pink but I say it's purple." "Why?" Jungkook asked getting more and more interested. "Well red can be seen with violence and bloodshed and pink is far too sweet to be love because love isn't always rainbows and happiness. Purple is in between. Purple is a deep color which is made of blue which can resemble rain, sadness and cold and red which people say is love and shades of pink which can be softness and happiness. Purple is like an in-between. Love is not always happy a lot of the time it leads to heartbreak." "You really taught this out, didn't you?" Taehyung nodded. "I'm an art major so thinking about color is a must. What do you study?" "Music just like my brother and dance. I really want to become a singer." "Well, how about you sing me something some time? We could have a karaoke night with a few friends. Well once we get some more than each other." "Sounds fun." Jungkook smiled. This was going to be an amazing year.

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