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QOTD - Who likes Def Leppard?

£ Cassy

Gabriel gave Rowena and dad a coupon for a free week at this spa hotel thing, so currently, me, Sammy, and Dean were on the couch watching tv. Gabe went back to Rio to finish his work last week after Christmas. I miss him, but I know he needs his own life. Dean has gotten a little more like his drunk self again, causing me and Sammy to be on edge.

*Bzzz Bzzz*

I take my phone out and see the notification.

1 New Message from Efram

I smile happily and unlock my phone and text him back.

Efram - Hey, Cas, how about lunch in 10?

You - Hmm...lemme think. Sure!

Efram - I'll pick you up, what's your address?

You - 87623 Yorkshire Lane.

Efram - Be there soon! 😁

I lock my phone and stand. "I'll be back, later. I'm gonna go have lunch with a friend." I tell them.

"Who?" Dean asks looking up at me.

"Efram, I promised him lunch before he went back home."

"So, you're just gonna leave us here?"

"Dean." Sam says sternly.

"Fine, fine. Sorry." He shakes his head. "Have fun." A fake smile appears on his face.

I kiss Dean's cheek. "I'll probably be back in an hour."

Dean nods avoiding my eyes. "Okay."

"Bye, Cas. Take as long as you want." Sam smiles at me.

"Bye." I hug him and walk to the front door. "See you soon!" I open the door and walk out, Efram already waiting.

"Hey, Cas!" He exclaims happily.

"Hey!" I say and hop in his little white car.

"How ya been?" He starts driving.

"Good, good. You?"

"Same, where do you wanna go for lunch?"

"Anywhere is good." I say as my phone buzzes.

Dean - I'm bored

Dean - And I miss you.

You - You too. Feed Ebelle, please.

Dean - Is Efram being touchy?

You - No, Dean. I'll talk to you later.

Dean - Rood.

I leave Dean on read and turn my attention back to Efram. "Sorry, it's just my friend."

"It's okay." He says. "How about Cookie's Diner? I hear they have amazing chicken wings!"

"Sounds great." I smile. "I'm paying this time."

"No, you aren't. My treat."

"Efram!" I whine. "No!"

"Too bad." He laughs. "I hear you're getting a car and apartment soon, save up for that. Everythings hella expensive these days."

"I know, but you shouldn't have to pay for everything."

"Cas, I make $256,000 a year. A fifty dollar lunch isn't going to hurt me in any way. You, however...."

"Fuck you." I joke.

"Ew, gross. I don't like dudes."

"Shut up and drive." I laugh.

"Fine, fine." He continues driving for about two minutes before he parks at the diner. "Let's go!" He says happily unbuckling his seatbelt.

I chuckle and unbuckle mine, getting out the car along with my best friend. "Ready?"

"Yes!" He drags me into the diner. "Let's sit here."

I sit at the table by the window with him, holding my hands together.

"Hey, boys." A cute girl smiles at us. "I'll be your waitress today, my name is Wendy. Would you like to start off with some drinks?"

No, I'd like to die of thirst. Damn, the Winchesters have rubbed off on me. "Sure." I smile.

"Coke." Efram says.

"Coffee, black." I figure I will try coffee the way Sam and Dean like.

"Well, since I'm here would you like to order?"

"Uh, yeah." Efram peeks at the menu. "Shrimp pasta."

I scrunch my nose at how disgusting that sounds. My eyes peer at the menu until something interests me. "Bacon cheeseburger."

"It'll be out soon." She smiles and walks away.

"I don't like her, she's too happy." I say wih a shrug.

"There's nothing wrong with being happy, Cas." Efram chuckles. "Tell me, how is this one clingy friend of yours?"

"He's......clingy. But he's getting better."

"Does have feelings for you?"

"I don't know, we talked about this last week."

"No, we talked about you possibly having feelings for him. I'm still shocked at your response."

"Shut up, Efram. Let's talk about something else."

He smiles. "Have you started looking for apartments yet?"

"Yeah, actually. It's hard though."

"It is but is your friend moving in with you?"

"I don't know."

The waitress sets our drinks on the table. "Food will be ready to serve shortly."

Me and Efram nod and she walks away to a different table.

"How don't you know if he's moving in with you?"

"I don't really know if I want him to." I say sadly. "It hurts, but it's the truth."

"Well, do whatever makes you happy."

"He makes me happy, he's my friend, but he has his moments where he scares me."

"Scares you how?"

"He has a temper." I drink some coffee. Ew, gross. Black coffee is disgusting. My hands push the coffee away. "A really bad one."

"Does he get physical?"

I don't answer, Efram's face turning concerned. "Cas, no-"

"He doesn't mean it."

"Don't defend him."

"I throw the first hit, don't worry about me, okay?" I accidentally snap. "I'm sorry, Efram."

"You're going to get yourself killed."

QOTD - Why is life so stupid?

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