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£ Cassy

I walk into my house laughing, Dean trudging behind me.

"How was it, boys?" Rowena asks.

"He. Wouldn't. Stop. Singing." Dean speaks.

"Cas!" Sam exclaims. "Did you almost kill my brother?"

"No." I laugh. "I bet he wishes I crashed the car though.  

"I'm never getting back in a car with him, ever again."

"We'll see how long that lasts." Sam says.

"What a you doing here alone though?" I ask Sammy.

"Didn't wanna be home alone so Dean dropped me off here. Me and Rowena made dinner though."

"This early? It's 4." I say, confused.

"I figured the Winchesters could enjoy dinner with us before they have to go home. Dinners usually at 7, they can't stay that long though."

"True, why don't you boys go get cleaned up for dinner and meet us back down here?" Rowena says.

I nod and take Dean upstairs with me. I go into my bedroom and to the dresser, grabbing some clothes. "Here, you smell like car gas."

"Rude." Dean replies.

"I didn't mean it like that." I laugh. "We just smell like it because of when we went to the repairshop."

"We had to go."

"No, we didn't." I say putting a different shirt on. "You're paranoid."

"I had to make sure you didn't screw Baby up." Dean says, pulling on the new pants. "I hate how we're the same sizes." He mutters.

"Really? I like it. Now I can just take your clothes when I don't feel like wearing mine."

"That's why I hate it."

I laugh and roll my eyes playfully.  "Come on." I grab his hand and pull him back down into the kitchen with me.

Rowena and Sammy were sat the table, chatting up. I clear my throat and Rowena turns to me with a smile. "Much better. Now come eat."

Me and Dean walk to the table. Rowena and Sammy were sitting next to eachother so me and Dean did the same.

"What is this?" Dean asks.

"Chicken Parmesan.....have you never had it before?"

"No, didn't sammy tell you that?" Dean laughs.

"Oh, no, he didn't, but tell me if it's good."

"All your food is amazing, Rowena."

"Dean Winchester, you are too kind."

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