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£ Cassy

"Feeling any better, buddy?" Dad asks.

"Just a little, I could use some more of that medicine they gave me though, if you would."

"Of course, I'll be right back." He smiles slightly to me.

I look to my brothers and step mom. They were all drained and yawning constantly. I feel bad for them having to stay here with me all night. I told then they can go, but they all refused. My brothers made it clear they aren't leaving with a 'fuck you, Cas, the hospital couches and floor are comfier anyway'. Obviously, I gave in because me being here, has brought them together again and they were getting along, no fighting or bickering. It was peaceful and happy, my mind was taken from the pain with them, though it didn't last without pain, it was still great having my family mostly back together.

"Hey there, Castiel!" The nurse chimes, walking in along with my dad. "I hear the pain is coming back. Where exactly is it now?"

"Still everywhere." I tell him. "It won't go away."

"Well, that's what I'm here for. You can get this medicine in 2 hour intervals."

"Okay, thank you." I attempt to sit up, but fail completely, causing my brother to jump up and help me.

"I wish my siblings cared for me like that." The nurse joked, taking out a needle and filling it with the cloudy medicine. "Deep breath."

I take in a deep breath and wince as the needle penetrates the sensitive skin on my arm.

"All done, now, if you need anything else, I'm right down the hall."

I nod and my brother help me lay back down. "I'm good for now."

"Well, I hope you feel better." He tell me.

After a few moments, I felt the medicine kicking in.

"I'm gonna go get some coffee, anyone want any?" Michael offers.

"No thanks." I say.




"Me." Rowena says lastly. "I'll help you with them.

"Chocolate frappuchino." Gabriel says.

"Black." Dad and Samandriel say at the same time.

"Alright, dearies. We will be back in a jiffy." Rowena smiles.

After they leave, it was quiet. Just chatter amongst the rest of us, minus me. I couldn't talk, I was in too much pain.

"Knock knock."

I look up and smile. "Dean."

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