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I jump out of Baby, running into the hospital. "I'm here for Castiel Novak."

"Family only, mister."

"I am family, bitch!" I slam mt hand on the counter.

"It's okay, he's with me." A familiar voice speaks.

I turn around seeing Sammy, sad eyed and puffy faced. "Sammy." I take him in my arms.

"Come on." He says, pulling me to a different room.

"Cas." I breathe, a sad smile as a tear finds its way down my cheek.

He ignores me, looking down at his hands.

"I'll leave you two alone." Sammy walks out of the room.

"I don't expect you to want to see me, but..." I sit in a chair beside him. "I know this probably means nothing to you, but I'm sorry."

He looks into my eyes for a single second before looking away again, lip quivering.

"Cas, love. I'm really, honestly sorry." I clear my throat after no response. "What happened?"

"Oh, wouldn't you like to know?"

"Yes, Cas. That's why I asked."

"Fuck off, Dean."

"Why did you have another seizure?"

"I don't know." He snaps.

"I've known you for almost a year now, I know when your bitch ass is lying." I say. "Now tell me what you did."


I come closer, my hands on his face. "Oh, Cas, come on. We get into a fight and 20 minutes later you're in a hospital."

"Stress, Dean."

"Stop lying to me! What did you do!?" I exclaim.


"God dammit, Cas. You stupid mother fucker." I let tears fall from my eyes. "I should kill you for this."

Tears fall from his eyes. "I didn't."

"Yes, you did. Cas, I'm sorry."

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