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€ Cassy

"Are you sure you can't stay longer?" I ask sadly. "I don't want you guys to leave."

"Sorry, bud, we have to." Sammy pats my shoulder.

"Can I atleast have a hug?"

"Of course!" Sam wraps his arms around me.

For the time since I met him, I realized how tall he really is. "Dude, you're fucking huge." I say with a laugh.

"Thanks, midget."

"Fuck you."

"Alright, boys. Calm yourselves." Dean smiles.

"Hug me, asshole." I holds my arms up.

He sighs and hugs me. "Better?"

"Shh, I will cherish this moment forever." I say, sliding my hands down his back.

"Jesus Christ, get off me." He laughs and goes to his car.

I smile and wave to them as Dean pulls out of my driveway. I don't want them to go, I want them to stay. They're happy when they're away from their father. I know their father is just heartbroken, but no should out their hands on their children in such a violent way. They don't deserve it, they're the sweetest boys I've ever met.

"Sup, bitches!?"

I groan. "Charlie, it's just me out here." I say. "And why are you here?"

"To see my favorite brother."

"Ew, Crowley? Why him?" I ask as she parks her car.

"No, silly. Gabriel."

"He's at work."

"Ugh, good. I didn't know if he was eavesdropping. Mom said I had to be nice to him or I'm not allowed to steal food from here anymore."

"Okay, bye." I say and walk towards my house.

"Hey! Wait up!" She calls, running after me. "You wanna know who my actual favorite brother is?"

"No, not really."

"It's you!"

"I'm not your brother." I open the door, walking in before slamming it in her face.

"Not funny, let me in!"

"Cas, who's at the door?" Dad asks.


"Fuck." He says. "Why is she here!?" He whisper shouts.

"I don't know, but I'm this close to stabbing her."

"You'll go to jail and ruin your career."

"Dad, it's a risk I'm willing to take."

"True, true. Alright, here's the plan. You're gonna run and hide in the closet, I'll unlock the door and hide behind the couch and when she's gone...w run to my car and we go out for ice cream, deal?"

"Hell yeah!"

"What's going on, boys?" Rowena asks, drying her hands with a rag.

"We're running away from Charlie. You want some ice cream too?" I ask.

"No, thank you. Actually, I'd like some pita chips and artichoke dip. Get the ingredients, please."

"You got it."

"Alright boys, I'll handle Charlie. You head out the back door."

"Castiel! Open the damn door!" Charlie screams.

"Thanks, Rowena."

"Thanks, sweety." Dad says, kissing her cheek. He motions me to follow him out the back door. We were being attacked by weeds and long, sharp blades of grass, but atleast we got away. "Alright, Cas. This way."

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