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€ Cassy

Everyone was so happy being together again. We were all smiling and joking around, talking about life and everything. "Momma." Crowley says, Rowena turns around.

"Ooh, pictures!" She says happily and smiles.

"Smile, sonny

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"Smile, sonny."

"You're family is really amazing

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"You're family is really amazing." Dean whispers.

"Thanks, your brother is really amazing."


"Dean!" I say as he takes his jacket off, due to the extreme restaurant heat

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"Dean!" I say as he takes his jacket off, due to the extreme restaurant heat.


"Smile." I say, Dean puts his arm around me and smiles at my phone camera.

"Awe, friendship goals

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"Awe, friendship goals." Julie whines.

Me and Dean give an awkward smile. "H-He's not my friend." I say.

"How rude." Misty gasps.

I flip them off. "Shut up." I say. "I'm not his friend....I'm his best friend."

"Dean, your brother's being mean." Chuck says, making the others laugh.

"I'm just saying, you look like the transgender Shirley Temple." Sammy shrugs.

"Yeah, Chuck

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"Yeah, Chuck. Super cute." Sammy says sarcastically.

"Your brother is awesome." Joey tells Dean.

"Not as awesome as me." I butt in.

Dean kicks me under the table. "Don't be a douche."

"Ow, Dean. That hurt."

"Don't be such a wuss." Sammy sasses me.

"Shut it, moose." I glare playfully.

"Who's ready for dessert!?"

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