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£ Cassy

Charlie sits at the table, beside Dean. "Can I sit here?"

"You're already sitting, so, I guess." I tell her.

"Don't worry, I don't plan on annoying you, Cas." She shoves a french fry in her mouth after drowning it in ketchup.

"That's hard to believe."

I watch as she cringes to the taste of the skinny fried potato, pushing the rest away. "I promise, Cas. Just give me a chance. I'm sorry for always annoying you, I just like you alot."

"Aweeee, I ship it!" Dean coos, pulling Charlie's plate to himself, taking a bite of the large bacon cheeseburger.

"Shut up, Dean." I scowl.

"Not like that, dude. He ain't my type." Charlie responds to Dean's stupid comment.

Dean scoots closer to her, looking into her eyes seductively. "Then what is? Muscled? Green eyes?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

I burst out laughing. "Dean, no."

"Actually, Dean......."

"Charlie's into girls." I cackle.

Dean's eyes widen and he quickly moves away from her. "Oh, sorry."

"It's okay, see you bitches later though. This mama's got herself a hot chick waiting for her." She stands, kissing Dean on the cheek, leaving him blushing before walking away.

Charlie disappears into the crowd of other college students and I am again left alone with Dean.

"Soooo.... About that pie..?" Dean breaks the silence.

"What's your favorite type?" I continue.

"Any. I love all pie."

I smile at him, which he returns and then he looks sad.

"What time is it?"

"2:45, almost the end of the day." I feel my own smile fade as I watch the life drain from his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, uh, nothing." He gathers his books to put in his bag, and then stands, walking away.

"Hey, Dean! Wait up." I call and run to him.

"Cas, I can't do this." He says, not even turning to face me.

"Do what? Have lunch with a friend?"

He stops once we are outside in the parking lot, facing me. "Friends? We aren't friends Castiel. You don't even know me." He rolls his eyes and walks away.

"Yeah, well I want to and you're making it really difficult." I stand infront of him, blocking him from moving anymore.

"Move, Castiel."

"No." I tell him. "Let me be your friend."

"No, we will never be friends. I won't ever even think of befriending someone like you."

"Why? Because I'm not intimidated by you?"

He doesn't answer me.

"You don't scare me, Dean." He pushes past me, but I stop him with my hand on his chest. "You really don't. You're just broken. Everyone can see. Let me be your friend."

"No." He growls. "Everyone leaves, you will too."

Green Eyed MonsterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora