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€ Cassy

"Hey, what's all the commotion about?" I ask a student. The hall was crowded, there was alot of yelling and shouting. Everyone was pushing and cheering.

"There's a fight."

"Really? Who? Why? It's the end of the day."

"Yes, some dude that I couldn't see and Carl,  I don't know why, and I know."

"Carl? " I say, annoyed. "Thanks, Jasper."

"No problem."

I push my way to the front, curiosity eating at me. Who is stupid enough to fight Carl? He's fucking huge. As I push past the last few people and am infront of everyone, I see Dean beating Carl's ass. "Dean?" I groan.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" The others chanted.

"Dean! Let's go!" I shout as Dean punches Carl in the gut. Carl kicks his leg out and trips Dean, getting up and slamming him into the locker. "Carl! Enough!"

"What?" Carl growls looking at me.

"Leave him alone." I say.

"Little bitch, I'll beat your ass too!"

"Do it then!" I shout.

He comes over, trying to punch me but I duck.

He knees me in the face and then Dean comes over. "Don't. You. Dare. Touch. Him. Again!" Dean yells inbetween punches.

I stand up and pull Dean's arm. "Come on."

Dean looks at me and grabs my hand, pulling me out of the building. We get to his car and he pushes me against it. "You're bleeding."

I push his hands off my cheeks. "I'm fine."

"No, you're not."

"Neither are you."


"No, you need to stop fighting, Dean."

He pushes himself away from the impala. "Don't tell me what I need to do."

"Dean, I know it keeps people from noticing the abuse, but you're hurting yourself."

"I don't care."

I grab his wrist as he tries walking away and pull him back, pushing him against the impala. "I...do."

"Go away, Cas." He moving me away from him.

"There you go again, pushing me away."

"So what?"

"I don't deserve it."

"Well, you sure as hell don't deserve me either."

"Good, because I don't want you. I don't want a person in my life that doesn't know how take the help offered to him or how to keep his hands to himself."

"Screw you, Cas. Stay away from me." He says getting in his car, starting the engine. He drives away slowly.

"You'll come back, you always do."

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