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€ Cassy

"Does he know?" Sams voice rang through my ears.

"No, definitely not."

"I think you should tell him. Maybe he would understand more."

"No, Sammy. I'm not telling him anything." Dean sighs. "Cas, wouldn't understand anyway. He has the perfect life, heaven obviously never gone through any of the crap we did."

"You don't know that, Dean. Why do you think he has a step mom? That's rough enough, but you don't know what happened with his real mom."

"His mom and dad probably had that best friend divorce."

Tears welled in my eyes.

"Dean, don't. Just because he has a better house and parents who love him, even if one is a step parent, doesn't mean everything is all rainbows and sunshine. We don't know what goes on. Have you ever heard of 'don't judge a book by its cover'?"

"Bull, Sammy. We don't know what goes on, so, that could also mean I'm right."

"I'm not saying youre wrong, I'm just saying you shouldn't just assume things."

"Whatever, Sammy."

"Chuck texted, he said were stopping at a hotel for the night."

"Ask him if it has free breakfast and 24 hour coffee."

"Ok, Dean."

Does he really feel like I have a happy apple pie life? And cause that's not the case. He doesn't know the half of it.

"He said yes. Go 5 miles, turn right for 2 miles and then the hotel is in the left."

"Should we wake Cas?"

"No, man. Let him sleep a few more minutes."

"You sure?"


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