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£ Cassy

"One large mint chocolate chip ice cream cone and one large icecream sundae."

"Anything else?"

"Want anything else, Cas?"

"No, thanks." I say from the table I was at.

"That be all, thank you."


"For two ice creams? Is it served in gods shoe?" Dad snaps.

"No, sir, it's served in a cone or a cup."

Dad rolls his eyes and gives the guy a $20 bill. "Might as well keep the change."

"Thank you, sir."

"Yeah, yeah." The man hands dad the ice creams and he comes and sits down across from me. "Jesus, it's expensive here."

"Yeah, it is." I chuckle and begin to eat the ice cream in the cone.

"So, how's Dean and Sammy?"

"They're good. Dean started texting me as soon as he left."

"He sort of seems troubled." Dad says slowly.

"He is, they haven't had the best childhood."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"It's not really my place to say." I drift off.

"Understandable, but if there's something bad going on, then maybe you should tell me."

"I don't know much, just little bits. It really messed those poor boys up though." I bite into the cone. "Dean especially."

"I've noticed how they both flinch alot when someone moves suddenly. And they're really nervous."

"Yeah, Dean had a nightmare last night. It freaked me out. Not like ij a bad way, it just scared me."

"Did you talk to him about it?"

"Sam told me not to mention it, I think he was gonna talk to Dean once they got home."

"Is it just the 2 of them?"

"They have a half brother. I don't know what happened to him."

"Where's their mom?"

"Not sure."

"I think you should get more out of them, if they're being abused or neglected then we need to let the authorities know."

"I know, dad. I'll talk to them."

Green Eyed MonsterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz