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"How do you know if your wisdom teeth are coming in?" I ask Rowena as we look through the puppy clothes.

"They hurt." She laughs. "How is the puppy? You find a name yet?"

"Nope, I can't figure it out."

"Girl, right?"



"Cute, but not for her. That's not a name for a tough pup like her."


"Cute!" I say and pick up a princess puppy outfit, tossing it in the cart.



"Well, what do you want?" She picks up a puppy outfit before throwing it behind her to the bottom of the rack.

"I like Ebelle, but also Rebel."

"I like Ebelle."

"Me too, this is so hard."

She chuckles and tilts her head at a puppy outfit that caught her eye.

"I like that." I say.

She smiles and puts it in the cart. "About your teeth, I'll tell your dad and make an appointment."

"Thank you."

"No problem, need any more clothes?"

"Nope, we have like 10 outfits, she needs toys and stuff."

Rowena nods and walks to another aisle. "Bed?"

I nod and she puts the bed in the cart. I stand beside her, facing the opposite way and throw some toys in the cart.

"Food and water bowls?"

"Yes." I say. I can't shake this feeling that something is wrong. "Rowena, are you okay?"

"Yes, why?"

"You don't seem like your normal cheery self."

"It's nothing, deary. Just a stressful day at work and had to take Crowley a few towns over to look for his own place."

"You okay with him moving out?"

"Yeah, I mean, he's 27, he should be moving out and getting married, having my grand babies."

"You'll have more room for your witchy stuff." I joke. "I know you like reading about witchcraft."

"Yes, but just because it's interesting." She laughs.

"True, you should teach me some things soon."

"I will." She smiles.

"Anyway, I think we have plenty of stuff."

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