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£ Cassy

"So." I start, crossing my legs on Dean's bed. "Was your suicide attempt more painful than mine?"

"What do you mean suicide attempt? Dad stabbed me."

"You provoked him."

Dean looks away.

"On purpose, you told him to put you out of your misery. I'm not dumb, Dean."

"How do you even know that?"

"I have my ways."

"Cas!" He exclaims. "How do you know that?"

"I put cameras in your house." I say nonchalantly. "And no, not in the kinky way. Just in places to get enough evidence for the child abuse."

"Why would you do that?"

"To help you boys." I shrug,

"I'm not a minor anymore, it will be counted as assault. And this." He motions to his stab wound. "Would be considered an attack." His head falls back. "Not child abuse."

"That's where Sam comes in." I say. "I have footage of Sam being abused too. Just needed more."

"I can't believe you." He scoffs, shaming his head.

I sit up, coming closer to him. He smells of a hospital. It saddens me how he doesn't smell like he usually does. He always smells like an ocean breeze, it's beautiful. "Was it more painful?"

"Bitch, have you ever been stabbed?"

"Fucker, have you ever been poisoned?" I fight. "Twice, I add."

"Why are we even arguining about this, Cas?" He asks annoyed. "Where's Sam?"

"Floating with Pennywise." I roll my eyes, laying back and reading again. I look up after a few moments of silence and see the worry in Dean's eyes. "I'll go find him." I say with a slight smile which Dean forces go return. I walk into the hall and towards the desk full of receptionists. "Have you see a tall fucker with luscious hair and amazing green eyes?"

The receptionist giggles and nods. "Yeah, he went to the church area."

I tilt my head in confusion. "You sure?" She nods. "What the hell is that moose doing there?" I ask myself. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." She smiles.

I start walking to the church area, the giant dark wooden doors had stained glass windows on them. "What the fuck?" I slowly and quietly open the doors seeing Sam on his knees praying.

"So, uh...please just heal my brother, show him the right path and make him love his self. I don't know how much more I can take."

I smile sadly, watching the moose.

He stands up, wiping his eyes and jumps up startled. "Cas?"

"Sup." I nod. "Dean's worried about you."

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Not long..."

He gives me a look. "...Cas."

"I'm serious, not long."

"Okay, I believe you."

"Come on, let's go see Dean." I wrap an arm around him and we begin to walk. "Your bitch ass prays? Respect, kid, respect."

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