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£ Cassy

School was finally at an end. It wasn't a high school. It was community college. Full of idiots with no lives. I am in community college because I personally don't want to live in a dorm room with an idiot roommate. I can barely stand when my brother comes home from Harvard a few times a year. Plus he informs me that it's a literal fucking nightmare having a roommate.

I'll take my chance with a community college close to home, I guess its better because I have my own room and don't really have a curfew. Just not allowed to be out later than 4 am, especially if I don't call atleast once to let dad know I'm okay. Better than nothing, besides, I like my family, older brother Gabriel, graduated 6 college last year, dad named Chuck who is really successful in life, older brother Michael, he's in his 8th year of college. He's trying to get his doctorate degree, dreams of being president. I don't know if he'll make it, I can't stand his guts, but I have faith.

As for me, I'm trying to be a doctor, (ha ha ha) I will be a doctor one day. Almost there, I'm a senior in college. I have very little 'friends' because I hate everyone. They're more like acquaintances. Anyway, I have a pretty entertaining life, I have a job at Crowley's cupcakes, it's a family owned business. Rowena and Crowley, mother and son, they aren't majorly close, but they know how to run a nice ass business. I mainly sit in my room and read books, I love books. I hate crowley though, did I mention he's my fucking step brother?

Now, he isn't that bad, he's just annoying. He's a good friend and a great listener. I hear he's kind of friends with a Dean Winchester. Now, I don't know if it's the Dean I met earlier, but it doesn't really matter. The Dean I met a little while ago was a jerk. A cute jerk... But still a jerk. There's always a story behind a dick, I wanna know his.

He left class early though, probably went home. I guess I really upset him, I feel bad and want to apologize. Before I could think, my feet are taking me to Crowley's room. I knock on the door softly and after a few seconds, it swings open. "Uh, ya?"

I look at him in his blue boxers and shirtless chest. "Erm.... Could you put clothes on, please?"

"Fine, anyway, come on in." He says putting a black shirt and some black jeans on. "Whatcha need, brother?"

I pit my index finger up. "Step brother."

"Same thing."

"Not really." I say. "Anywhooo, where does Dean live?"

"Which one and why?"

"A little taller than me, blonde, green eyes, dar-"

"Ah, Winchester.... What do you need with him?" Crowley asks me confused.

"I hurt his feelings earlier. I wanted to apologize."

"What the hell did you do?"

"Said his little brother was his boyfriend."

"Cassy, you're lucky you aren't dead. If anyone says anything that disrespects his little brother, then they're dead. You're lucky to be alive right now."

"I think you may be over exaggerating a bit, Crowley, and don't call me Cassy, you fucker."

"If you say so, and stop being such a little bitch."

"How dare you!?" I question.

He chuckles. "Alright, step bro." He begins to write Deans address on a sticky note and then hands it to me. "There you are. Don't die."

"Thank you... Step bro."

He smiles and I walk out, shutting his door. Down the stairs I go and to the kitchen to ask for a ride. "Daaaaaaad!" I call out.

He looks up from his laptop at the kitchen island, pushing his glasses up his nose. "Yeah, son?" He asks with a smile.

"Can you take me to a friends house?" I ask going to the coffee pot, pouring some more coffee in his mug.

"Thanks, bud. Just a moment. Let me finish this last paragraph and we can go."

"Thanks, dad." I say and go through the pantry, looking for a specific something.

"No, problem..... Oh, can you pull that chicken out the fridge, Rowenas making dinner when she gets home."

I nod and open the fridge, moving a few things around before taking out a chicken, setting it on the cutting board.

"Annndddd, done!" My father exclaims typing one last key into the laptop. "Ready to go?" He asks, taking his coat off the back of his chair, sliding it on.

"Yup." I say, grabbing my phone and coat. We walk out the door together and to the dark blue Honda.

"Where to?" Dad asks, putting in the ignition.

"Uhm, 25671 Arnold Road." I say, squinting at Crowley's unreadable handwriting.

"And who is this friend, if I may ask."

"Just a kid I upset today, I feel really bad and want to apologize."

"Good, I'm proud of you son. Your mother is too, I'm sure of it."

"Yeah, dad. I know." I smile at him.

He smiles back and I watch as he drives. I was supposed to get my license a month ago, but something happened at dads work and I gave him my car savings to help him and Rowena, my step mom, keep our house. "Listen, bud. I'm sorry about your drivers license, I swear me and Rowena are trying our best to pay you back, it's just tough right now with what happened."

"It's fine, dad. I'm still working at Rowenas shop, and I'll try to take up another job too to help you guys out. I'd rather wait to get a place of my own than let you guys live in the streets for something that wasn't your fault."

"I appreciate that, but you don't deserve that. You're supposed to be saving up to have a life of your own, not taking care of us. You have enough on your plate, with it being your senior year of college. You'll be in med school next year, still living with us. You had a plan, son."

"Dad, my plan wasn't to let you guys suffer though, you've all done so much for me. It's my job to return the favor."

He smiles and pats my knee. "You remind me so much of your mother, son. I love you." He parks the car.

"I love you too, dad. Thanks for the ride."

"No problem, do you need me to pick you up or do you wanna walk?"

"I'll walk."

"Alright, son, dinners at 7:30."

"See you then." (Oops 😖) I wave at him as he drives off. Making me walk up the stairs of the broken down house. The once white panels breaking off slowly, the front door doesn't look stable enough to keep closed through the fall winds. The porch is all dirty and a stair is broke. Do I have the wrong address? Time to find out.

I walk up the stairs carefully, knocking softly, not wanting the fragile door to fall down.

The door swings open and I'm met with a young green eyed boy that looked like Dean.

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