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¥ Sammy

"C'mon, Sammy!" Michael calls to me with a smile.

I watch as he waves me over. "Hold up, gotta take a break!" I call back.

He nods and skates to Misty, helping her stand up after she fell.

I reach down to fix my skates, one of the buckles came loose. "Need help?"

I look up and see a beautiful blond girl. "H-huh-what?"

She giggles. "Do you need help?" She repeats. "I see you fiddling with the buckles. You clearly have no idea what you're doing."

I let out a chuckle. "Yes, please."

She smiles brightly, sorting on her knees to help me. "We have troubles like this all the time. No one listens to little ol' me though."

"Yeah, I uh, I know the feeling."

"Well, here ya go. All finished." She stands back up. "I'm Jess, by the way."

I stand, swaying a little from the skates. "Sam."

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