85 4 13

QOTD - Who likes Luci?

€ Deanny

Baby😙Boy - Hey, I'm going out tonight. You can wait up for me in my room if you want.

You - Uhm, where the hell do you think you're going?

Baby😙Boy - Out...

You - Where?

Baby😙Boy - Meeting Andy for the first time.

You - I think not.

Baby😙Boy - Come on, Dean. Seriously?

You - You're not going.

Baby😙Boy - Yes, I am.

You - No, you aren't.

Baby😙Boy - Fuck off, bye. I'm going.

You - I'll drive you.

Baby😙Boy - I know that trick, you'll never leave!

You - He could be a maniac and we would never be able to get to you in time before he kills you.

You - And then Chuck will blame me for not protecting you.

You - He won't help with Sammy's custody.

You - Is that what you really want?

Baby😙Boy - You are.....seriously, just....FUCKING STUPID! I HATE YOU, DEAN!

You - Alright, I'm getting dressed. I'll be ready in 10 minutes.

(I gave you this update as an apology for being in the hospital 😂 it would be very much appreciated if you guys still answered the QOTD's for this chapter and last)

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