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£ Cassy

I look down at my phone, annoyance in my eyes at the millions of messages Dean was sending me.

Dean - Where the fuck are you?

Dean - Helloooo?

Dean - I swear to god, Cas.

Dean - Are you okay!?

Dean - Cas!

Dean - Answer me right fucking now.

Message Moose?

You - Hey, Sammy. I'm ready to go.

Rolling my eyes, I put my phone in my pocket. "Hey, Efram." I say with a smile. "I'm gonna head out."

"Awe, really?" He asks sadly.

"Yeah, it's getting late. It was nice meeting up with you though."

"Let me walk you out atleast." He throws a $50 bill on the bar table and leads me out. "So...you need a ride?"

"No, my friend is picking me up."

"Hmm, okay. I really enjoyed our night."

"Me too." I smile. "Keep in touch with me."

"Definitely. Hey, maybe next time we can go out for lunch."

"Yes, please!" I groan in happiness. "I need to get some good food in my sad, boring life!" I throw my head back in exhasperation.

A laugh escapes Efram and he shakes his head. "You're a lot of fun, bud."

"Thanks." I say with a smile.

"Can I hug you?" He asks unsurely.

I laugh. "Yes, of course."

He pulls me in and hugs me tightly. "Thank you for everything. Even for he money you gave us for mom."

"No problem." I hug him back.

"Cas?" A voice speaks.

I turn around, being released from the hug. Oh god. Dean was in the impala beside us, staring at me.


"Well, have fun, Cas. Thank you again." Efram says walking away.

I turn to Dean when Efram is out of ear and eyeshot. "Where's Sam?" I ask.

"Get in the fucking car." He demands.

I sigh and walk to the passenger side and get in, closing the door. "Dean, I can ex-"

"Shut up."


"Don't fucking talk to me."

"Nothing happened, all we did was have a drink and talk."

Green Eyed MonsterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora