18.[So you're dating my baby brother?]

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Arriving at a small diner in just about a deserted-like area in Boston, Ava stepped out of the car and took a breath of fresh air. It was a cold and gloomy day, which were becoming her favorite type of days. Jordan tried his best to refrain from grabbing her hand or calling her 'baby' since they were now in a public place. Although, Ava didn't mind as she was a bit uneasy about PDA. In her mind, she had fallen for Jordan, the charming and sweet guy with dreamy chocolate brown eyes and a down to earth personality, not Jordan Knight from New Kids On The Block. Jordan noticed her uneasiness as did Jon, so they let her walk in before they did one by one. Luckily, there were only a few elderly and middle-aged couples. They only turned their heads but didn't react.

Once the host checked them in, Jordan and Jon sat next to each other while Ava chose to sit by herself. She nervously fidgeted with her hair as they waited to order. Jordan found this strange but understood that this was all new to her. "Man I'm starving," Jon said as he rubbed his stomach. "Me too" Ava said and then shyly looked down. Ava felt like people were watching her but she tried to remain calm. "So what was it that you were going to tell me?" Jon asked but Jordan shook his head. "Not here, when we get out of here". " Oh is it personal?" Jon whispered and Jordan nodded. For the sake of Ava, he decided not to tell Jon , especially in a public place but he did plan on telling him sometime later.

The waitress arrived and took their orders. Ava noticed that the young woman with blonde hair was maintaining to flirtatious tone with Jordan which Ava did not like to say the least. Jordan, being the gentleman he was, only smiled and nodded, trying to not to fall for her flirty remarks.

When the food arrived, they all sat in silence as they ate. Deep down inside, Ava wanted to leave the place already, she was starting to get nervous with the whole situation. Suddenly, a group of young girls walked in , which brimmed a bad feeling in her stomach thus, she excused herself to the bathroom. As soon as she did, two of the girls walked over to the table where the Knight brothers were currently eating and began to speak to Jordan.

"Hi Jordan oh my god, you're so much handsome in person" one said as the other one nodded.

"I love your voice" chimes in the other.

"Jon you're so cute too" adds the second and Jon only waves with a smile.

" Can we get an autograph?" The first one asked and Jordan nodded politely.

"Oh here" said the one with the blonde hair as she pulled out a small notebook from her purse and wrote down something.

"What's this?" Jordan asked as he looked down at the paper.

"My number, call me if you're looking for a girlfriend, I'll be your valentine girl" she answered and winked.

The two girls walked away, Ava watched carefully as the blonde girl gives her a dirty look. Jordan wasn't sure what to do with the paper and decided to just hand it to Jon, hoping his big brother would figure something out. Jordan's eyes scanned all over the room for Ava, her amber eyes instantly caught by his chocolate orbs, he sent her a soft smirk, encouraging her to come over but she shook her head. "I'll bring her don't worry" Jon assured and stood up. Ava slowly relaxed as Jonathan approached her, offering his hand and she took it.

When they reached the table, Jordan had already paid the check, meaning that it was time to leave. Jordan's eyes softened as Ava looked over at him with apologetic eyes. "Baby, you alright?" He whispered in her ear as they walked side by side. She nodded. "We don't have to tell Jon now, it can be our little secret for a little longer" he added but she shook her head. "We can tell him, just not here please" she responded and Jordan understood. Hopping back into the car, he decided to take them to a park where not many people go.

Once arriving, Ava stepped out of the car, as she needed fresh air. She only wanted to get this over with and go home, since she was starting to get a bit sleepy already. "Okay okay so what were you gonna tell me Jordan?" Jon recalled. Jordan briefly looked over at Ava for approval in which she nodded slowly for his to proceed. " I-I have a girlfriend". "A girlfriend? Since when? And who is it?" Jon questioned with a smile and a slightly raised eyebrow. Jordan's hand immediately reached for Ava's hand, all while interlocking their fingers. Jon's eyes caught his actions and then looked back up at his baby brother who was currently watching his with hopeful eyes. "So you're dating my baby brother?" Jon asked as he looked at Ava with a smile. Ava couldn't find the words to say so she nodded and smiled shyly. " wow who would've thought, Jordan I think she's great, I'm very happy for you guys" Jon gushed and Jordan grinned. "Thanks, Jon, you always have my back". Jon pulled in Jordan for a small hug and then did the same to Ava. " But are you going to tell the rest of the guys?" he asked as he pulled away. " I don't know, the time will come soon though" Jordan responded.
"Oh speaking of that, can you drop me off at Donnie's, he wants to discuss things about the trip and all that". "Yeah sure, Ava do you want to come with or would you like to go home already?" Jordan asked as he rubbed soft circles on her hand with his thumb. "I'm a bit tired if I'm being honest, sorry guys " she answered with an apologetic smile. "Aww really, maybe we could've convinced you to go with us on the camping trip" Jon said. " But I said I was going to think about it" Ava assured him. "Okay, but make sure to tell us soon because we gotta have everything planned out". "I'll tell Jordan if anything" she said while nodding.

After that conversation, Jordan dropped off Jon at the Donnie's, promising to be back as soon as he dropped Ava home. Ava felt a little weird alone with Jordan in the car, but she figured it was just because of the strange happening earlier. "Baby?" Jordan said as his hand reached for hers which was currently resting on her thigh. " hmm?" She answered while slowly turning to look at him.
" What happened at the diner? You refused to come to me after those gir-" Jordan said but paused. Mentally face palming himself for not realizing sooner why Ava was so uneasy. " Sorry Jordan, I just trusted my impulse and did what I did" she spoke and he sighed." But baby you didn't have to do that, I understand that you were a little uneasy but you had me and Jon". Ava nodded a bit embarrassed of her behavior from earlier. " I was just nervous, a little scared of how they would've reacted to me with you guys" she answered. Ava remembered being slut-shamed the night Jordan first drove her home from the part after their first kiss and she assumed that was the reason she reacted like this. "I'm sorry Jordan" she said as she looked out the window.

By this point, they were a couple of houses away from her home but Jordan decided to pull over. Ava's eyes widened when he swiftly took off his seatbelt and lovingly pecked her on the lips. When he pulled away, his dreamy chocolate brown eyes were practically staring into her soul as he spoke "You have nothing to be sorry about baby, I know this is new, but we're gonna make this work, I only have eyes for you". Ava looked down and nodded slowly. She could feel the soft pad of Jordan's thumb brush over her lips before leaning in to kiss her, this time deepening in. Jordan's lips had this effect of making her forget everything, her brain seemed to go blank when their lips met halfway. When they finally pulled away, she only nodded and looked up at him. " I never had eyes for anybody, until now" she admitted.

Awkward way to end the chapter I'm sorry😭 but why do you think Ava's behavior briefly changed ?

Do u think Ava will join the guys on their camping trip?

Leave me feedback🖤

Also, sorry if there was any bad grammar, I wrote this from my phone 😅

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