6.[Cheese and Wood]

Comenzar desde el principio

Thankfully, she figured it out as she arrived, parking alongside the street that was across the main entrance. She had actually called ahead of time to talk to one of the counselors from this campus. Ava was welcomed by what appeared to be a 60-year-old man. "How may I assist you miss?" he asked. "I'm here to speak to a counselor about transferring" she answered politely. "Oh okay just wait your turn and you'll be called in a moment" he informed and she obliged. Within 10 minutes or so, she was called in and led into a small office. A lady with blonde hair greeted her asking her to take a seat.


"So here is a copy of my transcripts and other papers that I was told to bring" Ava spoke as she handed them to her. "Okay thank you very much, we'll surely look over this and call you in a few weeks," the woman said and smiled. " Thank you" Ava responded as she got up and shook her hand.

☼ At home ☼

"Hey, mom where is my shampoo?" Ava called out as she realized that half of her things are missing. "Oh umm I think you must've run out, I used the last of it sorry" her mom said and Ava groaned. "Do they sell it here somewhere?" she questioned her mother. "Yes, the store is just a few blocks before the gas station we have been going to" her mother answered. "Okay, I think I'm gonna go buy a bottle and maybe something to drink because I'm tired of apple juice" Ava responded. "Oh and can you buy a lavender scented candle," her mom said and Ava nodded.


The store was rather small, but all that was needed were basic essentials, nothing out of the ordinary. Ava walked through the aisles, instantly recognizing the purple bottle, she grabbed it and placed it into the basket. When she was done finding everything she needed, she went to check out and then walked out of the store. As she was trying to unlock her car, she dropped the pack of gum that she bought, she sighed and bent down to pick it up. But then another hand reached for it, just as she was about to protest, she was met by familiar baby blue eyes. "Wow isn't this universe so small" he spoke and she smiled shyly as she took the small package from him. "Yo Joe!" yelled an unknown voice. Ava froze when 2 guys who appeared to be older than Joey approached them. One of them dressed in a black 'Public Enemy' muscle tee and dark blue jeans ripped at the knees, along with black and white Adidas. He wore a black cap, with his almost toffee colored hair and wore a piercing on his nose. While the other one had really tall black almost Elvis-like hair but not quite, wore tiny hoop earrings, had a killer jawline. He wore mint green leopard print jeans with a white tee shirt and a black leather jacket.

"Who's the cutie?" asked the one with the muscle tee. Ava noticed that his eyes were hazel, almost green but with a hint of yellow. "Oh this is Ava, she was that one girl from California that I was talking to you guys about "Joey explained and Ava's eyes slightly widened. "Ava huh?, that's a very pretty name. I'm Donnie" he introduced himself as he held out his hand and she shook it slowly. "I'm Danny" chimed in the other guy and she took shook his hand. "Nice to meet you guys, I'm Ava" she said and smiled shyly as she stood there. "So Ava, what brought you all the way from California to Boston?" asked Donnie. "Family changes and all" she answered politely. "Do you like Boston?" Danny spoke. "It's a beautiful city" she gushed and they all smiled. "What places have you visited so far?" Donnie questioned. "Umm so far, just the coffee shop, the store and the gasoline station" she admitted and chuckled. "Oh and umm one of the main universities" she added. They all stared at her in silence. "You haven't explored Boston, you need to, we'll show you around" Donnie spoke again. "It's a rather large city," she said and they nodded. "We've been living here our whole lives, we can show you around promise" Donnie assured her. "Oh okay" she answered. "Donnie you're scaring her" Danny joked making Ava chuckle. "I'm just new here, that's all, you guys all seem really cool," she said and smiled as she played with her hair. "There's more where that came from" Joey said earning some weird looks from Danny and Donnie. "What do you mean?" Ava asked as she lifted one of her eyebrows. "We're missing the Knight brothers" Donnie answered. "huh?". "Jon and Jordan" Danny clarified. "Ohh" Ava nodded still not knowing how to respond to that.

"They'll love meeting you" Donnie said as both Danny and Joey nodded in agreement. "Oh really?" she asked as she every so often glanced at the ground. "In fact, they'll be at the new year's party that Danny and I are throwing" he added. "A party?" Ava repeated and he nodded. "Joey can bring you if you want, after all he met you first" he spoke and Ava looked at Joey who nodded while smiling at her. "I'm not sure I'm a party person" Ava admitted. "No such thing" Donnie argued and grinned. She couldn't help but feel a bit flustered, he was quite the flirt. "Okay, when exactly is this party?" she asked and they chuckled. "It's a new year's party Ava" Danny recalled and she instantly mentally facepalmed herself. "Okay, and I'll meet the rest of your group there?" she asked and they nodded. "You won't be disappointed, they're very down to earth and not to mention good-looking brothers" Joey joked and she chuckled.

"oh darn, I need to get back home before my mom worries" Donnie said as he checked the time on his watch. "Okay well it was nice meeting you Ava" Donnie said as he waved at her. "Yeah it was really nice meeting you" Danny added and smiled. "Hey let us help you with that" Donnie said as he noticed that her bags were sitting on the floor. Ava unlocked her car, opened the trunk and each of the guys helped her place the bags inside. "Thank you guys," she said and smiled. "No problem" Donnie responded. "You'll be at that party right?" he asked and she nodded slowly. "Okay, it was really nice meeting you again, drive safe" he spoke again and she smiled.

"Bye Ava" Joey said as the 3 began to walk away. She watched until they were out of sight and then drove back home.

Awww Donnie and Danny. That's 3/5 new kids. All she has left to meet is Jon and Jordan♥︎

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Thank you for reading!

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