Author's Note again

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One thing is really really bothering me about the comments.

People have been whinging that Cole should have used condoms. He's a doctor blah blah blah.

Even though I explained how all the girls in the religion are put on birth control as soon as they get their periods for the first time.

They usually go to Cole to get the scripts.

But. Jack didn't take Tori to Cole to get the scripts so Cole thought Jack must have taken Tori to someone else, thinking that Cole was too close to the family to deal with that matter.

But obviously Jack didn't take Tori to get her on birth control and Cole isn't going to go up to Jack and be like "yo dude. Did you get Tori on birth control yet" 😂

And he thought Jack would keep to the tradition of putting his daughter on birth control so he didn't even have a second thought about Jack going against the religion.

So Cole didn't use condoms because he thought Tori was put on birth control like the other girls in the religion.
Plus if Cole did use condone we wouldn't have a story
Plus plus I don't know if it's just me and the people I hang around with but for me personally I've never used condoms and not many people I know use them as well.


Also I wrote this book when I was 16/17 and knew nothing about pregnancy and how it went 😂 so this book isn't accurate at all but aye maybe in the ILWMDBF universe maybe that's how pregnancies accrue

So please don't poke holes in how the book is logically. Not all books are meant to be 100% accurate! Use some imagination and enjoy the story x

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