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*ten years later*  

"I would stop that if I was you" I smirk at Emily as I walk past carrying a large bowl full of salad.  

Drake and Emily are leaning against a tree kissing with their arms wrapped around each other.

"Oh mum we were just kissing" Emily laughs as they pull away from each other to look at me.

"That Emily was no kiss. That was a make out session" I smirk again, "and your father will kill you both."

"That's true" Drake laughs, "just one more kiss" he grins as he kisses her lips once more.

I can't help but watch in admiration. They have both grown up into beautiful young adults and are both heading off to college in a few months.

It's hard to believe my baby girl is already eighteen and moving away from home.

I leave them be and continue walking along the path to the barbecue area in mine and Cole's back yard.

"Need any help?" Liam asks as he walks past me carrying my homemade lemonade.

"No thanks honey. You're doing a great job with the drinks" I grin at him.

"Well I would ask Emily and Drake to help but they are a tad busy" he laughs.

I laugh with him then he walks up the path and sets the lemonade on the table and sets the cups up.

As I walk Micah and Juliet run in front of me, both giggling loudly as they chase each other, "whoa slow down please" I smile at them.

"Sorry Aunty Tori" Juliet smiles as they stop running.

"Thank you" I smile at them.

"Mummy! When is the food going to be ready? I'm starving!" Micah asks.

"You're always hungry" Juliet giggles.

Micah just pokes her tongue out and turns her attention back to me.

"Not long. How about you ask daddy if he needs any help if you like" I smile.

"Ok!" both girls grin as they turn on their heels and run up to Cole who is standing behind the BBQ.

I follow them and set the bowl down. Kendall and Rory look up and smile at me.

They are sitting at the table, Kendall is holding their five year old daughter Joselyn and Rory is holding two year old Colton.

"Here bud. Go to mummy" Rory smiles as he lifts Colton up.

I take him in my arms and place him on my hip, "hey baby boy!" I grin at him as I kiss his cheek.

"He looks more and more like you each day" Kendall smiles.

"Thank god for that" Cole laughs from behind me as he and the girls carry platefuls of different varieties of meat to the table.

We all laugh. They set the meat on the table and Liam with the girls help finish setting the table up.

"Drake and Emily stop making out over there and get your butts up to the table" Cole yells looking at the tree. 

They both stick their heads off from behind the tree with guilty expressions.

"You knew what we were doing?" Emily laughs as they walk hand in hand towards us.

"I wasn't born yesterday Em" Cole laughs as we all sit down, "plus no one stays behind a tree that long unless they are up to something" he adds causing them both to giggle.

In Love with my Dad's Best Friend.... (A Steamy Romance)[ Completed]Where stories live. Discover now