Chapter Seventy Four

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*One month Pregnant*

"You two better be dressed cos' I'm coming in!" we hear Julian say as we are woken from our sleep.

"No Jules. I don't wanna see them naked. I nearly died when ya know the "spider" incident" Antony whinges through the closed door.

"Don't be a baby. I'm opening the door so close your eyes" Julian laughs as he opens the bedroom door.

"Oh good you're awake. Tori we are leaving in ten so get yo ass up and out of that bed before I jump on you" Julian grins.

I smile at him as I sit up and get out of bed. I throw my arms around him and Julian hugs me back.

"Julian! I missed you so much!" I grin still hugging him.

"I missed you too! And I can honestly say I've never seen so much of you before" Julian giggles as we let go.

I frown at him confused. He nods his head downwards. I follow his gaze and look at my body.

I'm in my underwear! I look at Antony. He is facing the wall groaning. I look back at Robert he is grinning at me as he holds up his shirt.

I reach back and grab it. My cheeks flush pink as I quickly put it on. Julian is laughing into his hand.

"You up for a me day with yours truly" Julian grins.

"Yes! Oh my god yes. Get out so I can get dressed" I laugh as I gently start pushing him and Antony out.

"Oh Robert get up as well. If you're going to be bub's dad then you need to join us" Julian sing songs as he shuts the bedroom door behind him.

I turn around to look at Robert. He has a half amused half shocked expression on his face.

"Julian" I laugh. 

"Julian" Robert repeats as he laughs.

"He's serious though. You better get up" I say as I walk over to the door.

"Where are you going?" he asks as he gets up.

"All my clothes are in my room" I smile at him as I leave.

As soon as my bedroom door is closed I quickly undress and run to the bathroom to have the quickest shower in history.

Once I'm dried I walk naked to my wardrobe. As fast as I can I get dressed in pale blue jeans and long sleeve printed black shirt with my black converses.

I leave my still wet hair out, it will dry naturally. I put barely any makeup on just enough to make me look more awake.

Once I'm done I leave my bedroom. At the same time Robert leaves his. I notice his hair is wet.

I just grin at him as I poke my tongue out then push past him. I race down the stairs with Robert on my heels.

Giggling I look back at Robert and run into Julian who I didn't see waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

We both fall with an oof! Dazed we look at each other. We are both spread out across the hardwood floor.

Antony and my parents who sitting in the living room all start laughing loudly.

In Love with my Dad's Best Friend.... (A Steamy Romance)[ Completed]Where stories live. Discover now