Author's Note

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Heyy everyone 💕

So a few of my readers have noticed I'm rarely on wattpad anymore and some of my stories have been unpublished...

Here's the reason.

For the last year my life has been hell. I had two major family drama/and issues I'm not going to say.

I was diagnose with depression and put on suicide watch. I wasn't in a happy place and took it out on myself but open wounds have healed and I haven't thought or done anything in months.

I became homeless and lived on my sisters couch for six months.


Everything changed!

I got my own place, life was going great, I become happy again. I become more active on wattpad. Editing and writing. I was back

Then something even more amazing happened....

I found out I was pregnant!

My dreams of becoming a Mum was going to come true. My partner and I were so happy and excited...until last Sunday I started to bleed.

My friend rushed me to hospital and unfortunately I lost the baby Wednesday.
I cry every day for my angel baby  👼🏻
And the dark place is trying to creep back but I'm not going to let it.

I'm going to continue writing and publishing. Doing what i love and what makes me happy.

So please be patient with the books I'm publishing and know I'm trying my best to finish them

Ness xx

In Love with my Dad's Best Friend.... (A Steamy Romance)[ Completed]Where stories live. Discover now