Chapter Forty-Eight

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I'm sitting on the floor in front of the couch and Cole is leaning against the wall.

We have been like this close to two hours. Unmoving and not talking. After he told me about Kim, he shut down and gave me the silent treatment.

Finally he breaks the silence, "have you had a pregnancy test?"

"No I only found out today. I was waiting for you" I say.

"Pregnancies tests aren't always reliable. Let's go to the hospital and get an ultrasound" Cole says.

I bite my lip to stop myself from smiling, "ok let's go."

Cole offers me his hand and I take it. Once I'm not my feet I start to lace my fingers through his but Cole drops my hand and walks off.

I frown at him. If he continues like this, then I'm not raising a child with him. I refuse to.

Cole is already in the car when I leave the house. I lock up and then walk over to the car.

I barely close the car door before Cole drives off. I frown at him but say nothing.

I will yell at him after I know if I'm pregnant or not. Whether I am or not doesn't change the fact I'm still going to yell at him for his behaviour.

If I am pregnant its just as much if not more his fault. I frown at that thought. I don't blame Cole. I don't blame myself either.

I thought you have to be married to get pregnant! How was I suppose to know? I have been guarded from all things sex and pregnancy related.

I'm only a learner! Thought I seem to be learning thing the hard way lately. My frown increases at that thought.

We drive the twenty minutes to the hospital in complete silence. I causally rest my hand near the gear stick in hopes he gets the message.

He just ignores my hand and makes no attempt to hold it. The temptation to hit him is unbearable.

How can he be giving me the cold shoulder? He helped get my pregnant.. if I am pregnant.

Is it bad that I secretly hope I am? I've always wanted a baby! Plus Cole is the love of my life and giving Emily a younger sibling. What's wrong with that?

Finally Cole pulls into the hospital. Once he parks the car we quickly exit. I skip excitedly as we make our way through the hospital.

As we walk through the halls we bump into Gemma, the woman from the party that wouldn't stop touching Cole's arm.

"Cole! What are you doing here? And're.." She smirks looking at me.

"Chop liver" I say.

Cole muffles a laugh. I look at him and grin. Thankfully he smiles back. Gemma notices and clears her throat.

"Tori needs a check up plus I forgot something" he smiles at her.

"Oh? So Cole have you thought about that dinner I spoke about earlier?" Gemma asks fluttering her eyelids.

I snap my head around and look at him actually I glare at him. I cross my arms and look at him waiting for his answer with my eyebrows raised.

Cole ignores me and smiles at Gemma, "the same answer as before. I will call you" he says as he places his hand on my lower back and moves me forward.

This cuts of my words that I open my mouth to say but now are lodge in my throat.

I'm not going to complain because Cole's hand is still resting on my lower back and its the first time he has touched me since the announcement.

But as soon as he takes his hand of my back I turn to him.

"You will "call" her. Jeez nice to know whilst I was killing myself over my engagement you were flirting up your follow cold eyed, stringy hair doctor!" I snap at him.

Cole gives me a amused smirk, "she really bothers you. Doesn't she?"

"About the same as Robert bothers you" I say meanly at him before I can stop.

Cole just clenches his jaw, "come on" he snaps as he walks off.

I shouldn't have said that. I quickly follow after him. I take his hand in mine.

"I'm sorry that was mean" I frown.

Cole laces his fingers through mine, "its fine Victoria. Oh and when someone says they will call you it usually means they're not interested" he smiles at me.

I just grin at him. I snuggle into his arm. I hate fighting with him. We are the perfect couple!! Perfect couples don't fight.

Thinking we have finally broke the ice and the coldness between us I walk happily to the pregnancy wing.

However as soon as we enter the empty ultrasound room, Cole tenses up again. He lets go of my hand and continues walking into the room without me.

"Great! Just great! Whenever I look back on this memory Cole is going to be angry in it" I think to myself as I follow him.

Cole steps up the ultrasound as I stand behind the lay back chair watching him. After he is finish he looks up at me.

"Sit down and pull up your shirt and pull down your shorts" he says distantly.

"Honey if you wanted me naked all you had to do was ask" I smile at him.

Cole gives me a small grin as I do as he asked. I sit on the chair and take a deep breath.

Cole squeezes cold blue jelly on my lower belly. I giggle and Cole surprisingly smiles at me.

He turns the ultrasound machine on and places the hand held equipment to my skin.

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Question-do you think she is pregnant?

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