Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Yo sis wake up!" Antony says as he grabs my shoulders and shakes me away.

"Antony!" I whinge.

"It's nearly seven Cole will be here soon" Antony says.

I quickly jump up and knock Antony off my bed, he lands in a heap on the floor. I laugh so hard I fall over.

I stop laughing when I hear a car door slam follow by Emily's voice. I quickly stand up and race down stairs and greet them at the door.

"Hey Emily!" I grin as I hug her.

"Tori! I missed you!" She squeals as she hugs me back.

When we let go she runs into the house. Once she is gone I look at Cole and grin.

Where my front door is, it's contained in a little room and no one can see in so its safe to be affectionate with Cole.

"I missed you" I whipser as I walk into his arms. Cole just frowns at me

"Are you alright?" I ask as I take a step back.

Before Cole can answer Robert walks up behind me. Cole's face turns hard as he death stares Robert.

"I'm fine, I have to go I'm late for work" he frowns as he walks out.

I take a step to go after him but Robert grabs my arm, "um that little girl is raiding the fridge looking for chocolate."

"Emily!" I frown as I quickly run after her.


"So you and Robert?" Antony asks as he pulls out of the drive way.

"Not now" I hiss pointing to Emily who is looking through her school bag.

"Honey, what are you looking for?" I ask her from the front seat.

"My pencil case I think I left it at home" she frowns.

"Em my bag is under my chair, there are pens in there, take them" Antony smiles in the revision mirror.

"Thank you Tony" Emily grins.

"Tony and Tori" Antony laughs quietly.

I just smile at him.

We drive in silence for ten more minutes when Antony pulls into the primary school. Emily and I get out and I walk her to class.

As we walk I notice Emily is dragging her feet.

"Emmy are you alright?" I ask her.

"Tori, do you love my daddy?" she whispers looking at her feet.

I stop walking and look at her.

"Honey, what makes you say that?" I ask as I lean down and knell in front of her.

"The way you look at each other" she smiles when she looks up.

"I know you two are dating kinda and I promise I won't tell anyone" she adds.

"Yes, Emily I am in love with your daddy but there are reasons we can't be together if anyone finds out that your daddy and I love each other we will both be sent away" I whisper as I place my hands on her arms.

I'm putting a lot of her shoulders but she needs to understand the danger.

"I know, Victoria you are my best friend and I love you but I want you to become more than my best friend I want you to be my mummy" Emily whispers close to tears.

"Aw Emmy" I cry as I hug her.

She wraps her arms around my neck and I lift her up. She wraps her legs around my stomach and clings to me as her tears wet my shoulder.

In Love with my Dad's Best Friend.... (A Steamy Romance)[ Completed]Where stories live. Discover now