Chapter Seventy-Five

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*One month Pregnant*

"Girls night! Girls night! Girls night!" I sing song as I skip through the house with Robert holding my overnight bag behind me.

"Is Kendall here yet?" I ask Antony.

"No stop asking!" Antony whinges.

"I've only asked six times" I snap.

"Six times in the last five minutes" Antony snaps back.

"Well if you-" I start.

"Cut it out you two" father interrupts me.

Antony and I just poke our tongues out at each other.

"Who's Kendall anyway?" Father asks.

"The girl I told you about when Cole had the convention in the city" I say.

"You would think you two are a couple considering how much you two hang out" Antony teases.

"Actually you and Julian hang out more than Kendall and I. In fact you two hang out more than Robert and I. Why is that bro?" I say.

Father is oblivious to what I'm talking about but Antony's face has gone red.

"If you weren't pregnant I would hit you" he hisses.

"Please you haven't won a fight against me since we were toddlers" I hiss back.

"What is the matter with you two?" Mum snaps as she walks in.

"She's annoying me"
"He's annoying me"
Antony and I say in unison.

"I don't care if you're eighteen and you're pregnant. You two knock it off or you will both be grounded" mum says sternly.

Antony and I just nod. I hear Robert laughing from behind us. Antony and I glare at him. Antony opens his mouth to speak as a car horn beeps.

"Kendall is here!" I squeal as I run out.

As I run past Antony I knock my shoulder into him then bolt outside before he can react.

Kendall is waiting in the car as I run up to it. She gets out when she sees me and we hug we other once I reach her.

I look in the back seat and see Drake grinning at me. He gets out of the car and I lean down to pick him up.

"Hey Drakey" I grin as I hug him tightly.

My one reminder of Emily.

"Hey Tori!" he grins as he clings to my neck.

"You're staying at my house!" Drake adds as I put him down.

"Yeah! Are you excited!?" I grin.

"Yes!" Drake squeals.

"Alright you two get in the car" Kendall laughs.

Drake does what he is told. I shut the door behind him as he buckles into the seat. Kendall and I look over at my family.

"I should probably introduce myself" she whispers.

"Na do it when you drop me off Monday" I whisper as I link arms with her and half drag her to her side of the car.

"Hint taken" Kendall giggles as she opens the car door and gets in.

I look back at my family again and wave at them. I love them all but I need a break from them.

"So I promised Drakey and Liam that we can watch kiddy movies until their bed time which is eight thirty for Liam and nine thirty for Drakey. Is that alright?" Kendall asks.

"Yes! I love kid movies. Plus I know you would make me watch sappy chickflicks otherwise" I tease.

"Well thats actually true" Kendall laughs.

"Mum can I have an ice cream?" Drake asks.

"Sure. I need to run into the shop anyway" Kendall smiles as she pulls into a shopping centre.

"You two wait here. I will be right back" Kendall adds once she has parked and half way out the door.

"Sure" I smile at her.

Once she is gone I turn around to look at Drake.

"Ok she is gone lets make a run for it" I grin.

"Race you to that trolley area over there" Drake giggles.

"You're on!" I laugh as I pretend to open the car door.

This causes Drake to laugh loudly. His laughter is contagious and I join in as well.

"I spoke to Emmy on the phone last night" Drake says once he has dropped laughing.

"How is she?" I ask.

"She is loving Egypt! She has been riding camels everwhere and living at her aunty Clare's house while Cole helps out at the hospital" Drake smiles.

"I'm glad she is having fun" I smile.

Drake stops smiling and looks at me seriously, "she misses you. You know Tori when my parents broke up. My real dad I mean. He never spoke to me and it hurt a lot. But we were never close anyway but you and Em.."

"Would you think it will be alright if I ring her tonight?" I ask.

"Emmy will love that! Oh don't tell anyone but Em is my girlfriend now and mum said I can go to her school next term because my cousins are nasty about mum and dad's marriage" Drake whispers.

I startle him by squealing, "oh my gosh you're together? thats adorable!"

Drake shushes me then rolls his eyes, "don't tell Cole. Dad said he will punch me in the nose if I like Emmy."

I can't help but laugh, "he won't honey. Your dad is a meany. When do Em and Cole get back?"

"Nine more days. Em has a fitting with mum next Wednesday. She is mum's flower girl" Drake grins proudly.

I just smile at him as Kendall opens the door and gets in. She hands Drake and I a chocolate covered ice cream stick.

"Discuss anything interesting?" she asks.

Drake and I look at each other.

"Nope just movie selection" I smile.

I watch Drake breath a sigh of relief.

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Author's Note
I've published (an extremely sexual) book "My Teacher's Secret"
I would love it you could have a read ❤️

In Love with my Dad's Best Friend.... (A Steamy Romance)[ Completed]Where stories live. Discover now