Chapter Twenty-four

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"Oh my god! This dress is amazing!" Kendall squeals as she holds the red cocktail dress up.

"Yes but it doesn't fit in with your colour scheme" I say.

Kendall pouts as she puts the dress back. She pulls out a long dark purple dress and both our jaws drop.

"Here put this on" she grins.

With a smile I go to the change room and dress. When I walk out both Emily and Kendall squeal. Drake just rolls his eyes but smiles.

"Thats the dress!! You will look beautiful!" Kendall grins.

"Me?" I question.

Kendall nods, "Victoria Evans would you like to be my maid of honour."

"Oh my god! Kendall yes!" I squeal.

We hug and jump up and down causing both Emily and Drake to roll their eyes as they smile.

I quickly get dressed back into my clothes and no longer than five minutes after, Cole pulls up at the front and toots his horn. After Emily and I say goodbye we walk to Cole's car and get in.

I help Emily in and then get into the front seat.

"Hey!" I grin at Cole.

"Hey Victoria" Cole smiles back.

"Emily knows about us, she figured it out" I say.

Cole turns around and looks at her, "are you alright with it baby girl?" Cole asks gently.

Emily grins and nods her head yes, "daddy am I allow to call Tori mummy?"

I notice him take in a breath, he looks at me as he answers, "only if she is alright with it."

I nod my head yes at her and turn back around to face the front as my tears fall.

Cole notices, "baby girl can you quickly run inside and invite Kendall and her family over for dinner tomorrow."

Emily nods and quickly gets out. Once she is gone I let out a sob.

"Hey, why are you crying?" Cole asks as he hugs me.

"We are like a family Cole, these are happy tears" I sniff as I hold onto him.

I feel him smile.

"Are you still mad at me?" I ask.

Cole pulls back and frowns, "we can talk about that when we get home" he says.

I just nod as Emily gets back into the car. I wipe my tears away.

"She said she will be there! With Drake, her son who I played with today, Rory and Liam her two year old son" Emily smiles.

"Thats great!" Cole grins as he starts the car and drives home.

As we drive Cole holds my hand and rubs his thumb against my knuckles comfortingly.

"Emily you can go over next door if you want" Cole says as he pulls into the driveway and we get out of the car.

"Thanks Daddy!" She smiles as she runs off.

Cole gives me a small smile and walks into the house. I follow behind him. We walk to the living room and sit down.

"What did you do last night?" Cole asks as soon as we sit.

"Father made me go out for dinner with Leader Dale's nephew Robert."

Cole frowns, and looks away "I saw you last night as the Chinese restaurant.. you two looked very cozy."

"Cole please look at me" I whisper as I gently cups his face.

In Love with my Dad's Best Friend.... (A Steamy Romance)[ Completed]Where stories live. Discover now