Chapter Twelve

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When we get home I quickly rush to my room and throw myself on my bed and take a deep breath.

Even though I love Cole very much, I really missed my bed. I sink into my mattress and soak in the smell of home.

"I'm coming in so you better be dressed" Antony says as he walks in through the door.

"Na I'm butt naked close your eyes" I joke.

His eyes closes as he confidently strides into my room, I watch in mild amusement until he trips on my desk and falls to the floor, flat on his face.

I start laughing hysterically as Antony awkwardly sits up and takes in ridged sharp breathes, "I think I winded myself" he chokes between gasps. This causes me to laugh harder until I've got tears streaming down my face.

Antony finally gets his breath back and starts to giggle. After a few minutes I eventually compose myself, "are you okay?"

"Yep. My chest hurt but damn I wish you recorded that" he smirks as he stands from the floor and plants himself on the bed, next to me.

"So to business, did you think of anything to try and piss off father?" Antony asks.

I shake my head no, "I was preoccupied" I blush looking at my lap.

Antony looks at me confused as he tilts his head to the side. After a second his eyes go wide. "You didn't?" he frowns as he grabs my shoulders.

I look up into his eyes and frown back at him, "no! Not yet."

"Good" Antony sighs as he releases my shoulders. Now I'm the confused one.

"Good?" I question him with y eyebrow raised.

"You have been dating him for three days Tori! You cannot jump into bed with him that soon" Antony scowls.

"For your information Antony, Cole and I can do what we want. So much for have fun as you so nicely put it" I glare at him.

"I didn't think you would actually do it Tori, I never thought you would rush into anything. You're only seventeen still. Yes you're at the legal of consent but that doesn't mean you can't take things slow. Make it special" he nags me.

I've never had Antony treat me like this before. He's never scowled me or told me what to do. I'm his sister not his daughter! 

"As I already said Antony, we didn't do anything. So stop making it into a drama, now get out of my room!" I snap angrily at him.

Antony looks at me in shock but does what I say. He stands from the bed and walks over to the door. Before he leaves, he glances back at me. His brown puppy dog eyes are wide with sadness, we've never fought before or even raised our voices to each other. I'm too angry at him to acknowledge him so I turn my head to the side with humph. Once I hear my door close, I look over to the door and frown.

Standing up, I walk over and I close my door then put my desk chair, against it because I don't have a lock.

I really want a shower just to wash the stress away but it will look suspicious considering I told father I already had one. Sitting back on my bed, I look around for something to do. I decide to write in my diary. Getting on my hands and knees, I crawl under the bed and pull the book out of the slot under the mattress, where I keep it.

Sliding back out, I look at the book I've had since as long as I remember. It's medium size book that's roughly five centimetres thick. It's once white cover, is multicoloured from years of drawing and colouring.

I vaguely remember, mother buying it for me when I was around five, saying something about this is my special book that I could put anything in and I can be my true self. It didn't know it then but this book became like a save haven for me. Feeling stressed? Write in my diary. Have a secret I want to tell but can't? Write in my diary.

In Love with my Dad's Best Friend.... (A Steamy Romance)[ Completed]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz