Chapter Thirty-Two

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I wake up naked in my bed. Cole must have carried me to bed last night after I fallen asleep in the tub.

I turn to face him but he isn't there; a note is folded on his pillow. I open it and read it.

"Victoria, I'm sorry I can't be there when you wake, I got called to the hospital early this morning. I will make it up to you night. I love you, C"

I grin as I lay back on my side still holding the note. Last night was amazing! We didn't have sex just laid in each other arms.

He could sense I was upset and instead of pressuring me for an answer he helped me with actions. It's amazing how little things can send a huge message.

I stretch my legs and yarn. Slowly I drag myself out of bed and walk into my wardrobe.

I quickly dress in a salmon pink lace dress with brown belt, heeled tan roman sandals and gold and pink jewellery.

I have a rare day to myself with nothing to do so hopefully Antony will take me out for the day.

I leave my hair out and because it got wet from the bath the ends have curled. I put some make up on with foundation, blush and pale pink lipstick.

I smile at my reflection. I look really pretty today; my rare vain moment.

I hear a knock on my door and with a skip I quickly unlock it and open it. Antony is smiling at me.

"Are you alone?" he whispers.

"Yes, he left before I woke. He got called into the hospital" I whisper back as Antony walks in and sits on my bed.

"We haven't had a chat in forever. Any plans for today?" Antony smiles.

"No I don't think so, let's go to the park down in millers road. The one we use to go to as kids" I suggest.

"Great idea sis. You look beautiful today" Antony smiles as he stands up and walks up to me.

"Thank you! I feel really pretty" I grin as I twirl.

Antony just grins at me, "did you and Cole you know again?"

"No actually he saw I was upset and he ran me a bath. Then we both got in and I think I fell asleep because the next think I know I'm in bed and its the next day. It was amazing Antony!" I whisper.

"That is so freaking adorable! I need to punch a wall to feel manly again" Antony gushes.

"No don't punch a wall! Father is making you pay for the last fist-whole you did" I remind him, "where's Julian?" I add.

"Yeah properly not my smartest idea" Antony frowns, as he starts walking towards my door, "he went to college he has an early class."

"How about we go out for breakfast before we go to the park?" he adds with on foot out the door.

"Sure!" I grin as I follow him out.

We sneak on our tippy toes down the stairs and thankfully make it to his car without being seen. Antony quickly puts the car in gear and drives off.

"Are you and Julian serious?" I ask.

I notice Antony's smile grows wide, "yes I definitely think so."

I squeal as I hug him, "is he ok with keeping it secret?"

"Not happy but he understands, everyone from school knows, you, Cole and Emily know. So it's not entirely a secret and all the important people that mean a lot to me know" Antony smiles.

"You should tell mum, trust me she isn't like father" I say as I sit back up straighter.

"Maybe one day. Who's Kendall and Rory I didn't have time to ask you before?" Antony asks.

"A couple Cole and I met on our weekend away. They are just like us but Kendall is the one older and they have children. Kendall asked me to be her maid of honour" I grin.

"Thats so awesome!" Antony grins as well.

"I will text Kendall asking can you and Julian come to the wedding, I know you will love them and they will love you" I say as I get out my phone.

"Hey Kendall, can my brother Antony and his boyfriend Julian come to the wedding pleaseee"

After three minutes...

"Of course honey!! I was going to ask if you wanted to invite anyone when we went ice skating but I completely forgot!"

I send a thank you back and grin at Antony, "she said yes!"

"Yes! I have to text Julian" Antony grins as he pulls into the breakfast diner.

We quickly exit the car and enter the diner. We find a seat at one of the back booths and open our menus.

When the waiter comes both Antony and I order the full house breakfast with everything but I order some peanut butter as well. I'm starving!!

Plus I have been craving eggs covered peanut butter.

Before Antony can question me I look behind him and see leader Dale and Mary.

I'm about to tell Antony but Mary looks up and catches my eye. She talks to her husband and they both walk over.

Antony unaware starts to talk about him and Julian so I kick him under the table.

"Ouch! Tori" he frowns as he jumps.

"Antony what happened?" Leader Dale demands making Antony jump again.

"Um nothing" he says darting his eyes.

"Victoria how are you and Robert?" Mary grins.

"I think we will be great together" I lie with a smile.

Mary just smiles at me but I notice leader Dale frowning at Antony and I.

"Why are you here Victoria unaccompanied by your father and will an unmarried man?" Leader Dale scowls.

Both Antony and I drop our jaws, no way did he just ask that!

"She is my sister, I'm allowed to go anywhere with her" Antony says angrily as he stands straight up.

I follow him, "whether I am married or not has nothing to do with if I hang out with my brother or not.

You can try and control every aspect of my life but you will never control Antony's and mine bond" I say matching Antony's tone.

I'm so angry I feel like I can beat leader Dale and his stupid wife to a pulp. Both Mary and leader Dale stare at us with their jaw dropped. I'm guessing no one has even spoke like that to them.

"Antony and Victoria Evans! How dare you disrespect an elder like that!" Leader Dale yells.

"Get use to it!" Antony and I say together as I push past them and start walking towards the door.

"Oh and by the way be carful how you treat us because we have some dirty secrets we will love to share" Antony winks as he grabs my hand and walks out.

We quickly run to the car and drive off. Whilst driving we share a look. Now the adrenaline as worn off we share a scared look. What the fuck have we just done?

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**author's note**
Ok my lovely readers its time again for double chapters.

If this chapter gets more than twenty likes by the end of two days then I will update two chapters at once

So get voting and good luck!

In Love with my Dad's Best Friend.... (A Steamy Romance)[ Completed]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat