Chapter Twenty-Nine

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After mum confirmed Antony is Josh's son, I walked out of the house. I didn't come home until after five and Father, Robert, Antony and Julian were back by then.

I avoided both mum and Antony and only Robert seem to notice my change in attitude.

I'm sitting on the front steps avoiding everyone and waiting for Cole to arrive when Robert opens the front door and sits beside me.

"Are you alright?" Robert asks gently.

I just nod refusing to look at him.

"Hey what's the matter?" he asks again as he takes my hand and holds it tight.

It's such a small simple gesture but it helps so much.

I look at him and give him a small smile. We continue smiling at each other unaware that someone is walking up to us until he clears his throat.

I look up to see a very pissed of Cole glaring at us.

"Cole!" I say oddly high pitched, as I snatch my hand away from Robert and stand up.

"I need to talk to you about... um..Emily" I lie as I hurry towards the side of the house and into the backyard without looking at either of them.  Cole follows me to the back where we are hidden from view by trees and bushes.

"I was only holding Robert's hand because I'm on the verge of a breakdown because I found out some information that will rip and destroy my family apart and I just needed someone and he was there" I say quickly.

"What information?" Cole asks as we sit on the grass, no traces of his anger from earlier. One thing I really do love about Cole is he's quick to calm down.

I sit across from him, "you cannot tell anyone Cole I mean it. If you tell anyone, we are done!" I warn.

Cole just nods, "I promise" he sounds worried.

"Mum was already pregnant when she married father....Antony is Josh's son. Josh was mum's first boyfriend" I say so quickly that I'm out of breath.

"What?" Cole says loudly as he stands straight up.

I follow him up, "please, don't make me repeat it."

"You can't be serious" Cole frowns.

By his tone of voice, I can tell he is extremely upset.

"It's a true" I whisper, "mum confirm it today."

"You can never tell your father this would kill him" he frowns.

I try not to pull a face at that, I know Cole has a love for my father I will never understand, "it will kill Antony too" I add.

Cole just nods, "I just.. I have no words" he frowns as he sits back down on the grass. I follow him and wrap my arms around his arm and lay my head on his shoulder.

"How are you coping with this?" Cole asks as he tightens his grip on my hand and kisses my forehead.

"I think, I'm still in shock" I frown, "having you here helps" I add.

Cole just gives me a small smile, "I'm always here for you, Victoria no matter what. I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier" Cole frowns.

"It's fine. I know you're a hot head. Quick to anger. But quick to calm down" I tease him, "but I'm not in the mood to have sex in my bed tonight."


"So Cole, I hear you are a doctor" Robert smiles from beside me.

We are currently at dinner and I am not happy with the seating arrangement. By the look on both Antony's and Cole's faces, they're not happy either. Antony is still grossed out about walking in on Cole and I, he doesn't know where to look so he settles on staring at the wall behind me.

Mum and father are at either end of the rectangular table as per usual. Antony and Cole are opposite Robert and I. Antony is facing Robert and I'm facing Cole. I wanted to sit next to Cole but as I was about to plant my ass on the seat, Father told me to sit next to Robert. I had to use everything inside myself to not react and keep a stupid smile on my face as I did what I was told.

"Yes I'm a surgeon" Cole smiles, "what do you do?"

"I'm the owner of my own advertising company, I'm currently stationed in Paris...for the moment" Robert says.

Both men just nod, this is so awkward and even father notices the tension between Cole and Robert. None of us know where to look. I pretend to drop my napkin on the floor and whilst I bend down to pick it up, I look for where Cole's feet is, under the table.
Once I sit back up, I move my foot and rub it in a comforting matter against Cole's leg. He smiles at me and I smile back.

I also notice Cole avoiding looking at mum and when he did manage to catch her eye, his harden his eyes and rudely looked away, all times I kicked him..hard.

"So Robert, what are you doing here?" Cole asks rudely after another kick to his leg.

"Cole!" Father scowls him as he shakes his head.

Cole just smirks at him and father surprisingly smirks back. I really don't think I will ever understand their relationship.

"Well I am here in hopes that I can court Victoria and one day hopefully make her my bride and the mother of my children" Robert smiles as he holds my hand on the table, in view of Cole. He looks straight at Cole and waits for his reaction.

The smirk drops from Cole's face and his jaw clenches and a muscle flecks in his neck.

"You obviously don't care about her because you wouldn't have said that knowing her feelings toward the whole marrying issue" Cole snaps through clenched teeth.

"What makes you think you know anything about what she is feeling" Robert challenges.

My eyes widen as Cole gaze catches mine.

"Because I have known Victoria her whole life and she's apart of my family, we talk frequently since she became my employee plus everyone heard about how she react when she had to meet those men" Cole says this time rubbing my leg under the table with his foot.

I realise a sigh of relief and Robert notices, he looks between Cole and I then harden his eyes.

"Hmm. I see" he says as he plants a fake smile on his face.

"Cole, are you staying tonight?" Mum asks changing the topic.

"No, I rarely get a night without Emily so I'm going to go home and enjoy it" Cole smiles.

"Father am I going with Cole tonight?" I ask hopefully.

"There is no need, Emily isn't going to be home until after school tomorrow" father says.

"Oh right" I say struggling not to show my disappointment.

"What about you Robert? Are you staying over tonight?" Mum asks.

Robert and father share a look.

"Do you want to tell them?" Robert smiles at father.

Mum, Antony, Cole and I all share a look. This doesn't sound good.

"Robert is moving back to town and needs a place to stay so I offered him the spare room up stairs across from Victoria and he said yes. He officially starts moving in tomorrow" father grins at us.

In Love with my Dad's Best Friend.... (A Steamy Romance)[ Completed]Where stories live. Discover now