Chapter Ninty-Six

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*three months pregnant*

The next day Cole and I are in Mason's police car driving to Redcliff where Kim's family lives.

It takes nearly five hours, so we left really early. Manson is apart of the religion and with instructions from the Leaders he has to help us get Emily back.

We drive the whole way in silence. I wonder if they know we are coming. Cole did rang his lawyers last night.

Emily will be living with him until he and Ana go to court for custody. We will fight until we have her back. 

After what feels like forever,  Mason finally pulls up in front of Elliot's and Jodie's two story farm house.

"No trouble ok. I can't act as a witness if you act irrational" Manson says turning around to look at Cole.

"I understand" Cole nods.

"And no breaking Ana's nose again Tori" he smiles looking at me.

I just smirk. I'm not really close to Mason but he and Antony were friends for a while before Mason joined the force at fifteen and put all his focus into that.

We get out of the car and walk up to the front door. Mason stands in front and presses the doorbell.

Nick opens the door and drops his jaw, "dad!" he calls as he eyes widen.  I notice he has bags under his eyes and looks like he hasn't slept in a few days.

Elliot walks up behind Nick, "what...oh" he frowns looking at Mason first then Cole.

Elliot looks just as worse as Nick but his skin has grey tinge. I smile. Good I hope they are suffering.

I notice Cole tense up as he scrunches his fist. I hold his hands. Come on Cole calm down please, I silently beg.

"Mr Jeckson. I'm officer Mason. I'm here to recieve Emily and return her back to her father" Mason says.

"My daughter Ans has custody of her" Elliot protests.

"Not yet. There is a court herring both parties have to attend. Legally Emily is still in Cole's care" Mason says sternly.

Elliot opens his mouth to protest but Mason cuts him off, "failing to do so means I will arrest you and everyone in this house." 

Elliot eyes widen, "Emily come here" he calls.

"Do not tell me what to do you ugly monkey! Just you wait, I'm going to scream all night again until you let me see my daddy!" Emily yells as she stomps towards the door.

Cole and I smirk. Thats our girl!

Emily walks over to the door with a her scowl, "so what do you want you smelly pee brain" she looks out the door and sees Cole.

I watch her eyes light up and her mouth form into a huge grin, "daddy!" she squeals as she runs to him with opens up.

Cole picks her up and holds her close.

"Daddy! You came for me. I knew you would. Take me home I don't like these people. I love you please daddy take me home" Emily begs as she starts crying.

"Of course Emily. You're my daughter I will always come for you. I love you too baby. Let's go home" Cole cries as he holds her.

Emily gently wipes his tears even though her own are falling. I'm leaning against the wall bawling.

I sniff causing Emily to look at me. Again she lights up.

"Tori!" she grins opening her arms.

I walk over and hold her. I cry into her shoulder. Every night I have nightmares of Pheobe driving away with Emily and Emily's terrified face.

"We have to go" Mason says.

I give her back to Cole who holds her protectively like someone is going to take her away.

I wouldn't be surprise if he never lets her out of his sight. We walk back over to the car and get in.

All six of Kim's family are watching us from the porch. As we drive away Emily sticks her middle finger up.

Everyone's jaw drops but Cole and I laugh. They deserve it.


"I made their life hell!" Emily tells us.

Everyone is sitting in the living room whist Emily tells us what happened. Mason and another officer are here as well.

"I screamed all night and broke stuff until they let me go home. I was really naughty" Emily frowns looking at Cole.

"I'm not mad baby" he smiles.

"Ok good cos' I might have said a few bad words" she says, "like I called Nick a little fu-" Emily starts but mum covers her mouth.

"We don't need a demonstration" mum smiles.

Despite ourselves we all laugh. Emily isn't like that. She is the sweetest girl but hurt her and she will make you pay.

"Thats my girl Emmy. Making em pay for taking you away from us. High five" Antony grins raising his hand.

With a cheeky grin Emily high fives him.

"Just no more saying bad words" mum says.

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