Chapter Eighty-eight

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*two months pregnant*

As I slowly drag myself out of bed the next morning I mentally prepare myself for waking Emily up.

I walk into the living room of the hotel we are staying in and I nearly trip over. Emily is sitting at the table eating toast as she plays on her iPad.

Robert walks in fully dressed and sees my facial expression.

"She was up and ready before I even got up" he laughs as he ruffles her hair.

Emily giggles as she pushes him away then goes back to her iPad. I smile at them before walking back into the bedroom to get dressed.

I have a quick shower then get dressed in faded gray demin skinny jeans and aqua blue long sleeve printed tee. I finish my look with black converses and a black leather jacket.

My makeup is light with pale pink lipstick and my hair is tied in a loose bun at the nape of my neck.

"You ready?" Robert asks as he walks into the bathroom where I'm just finishing of my makeup.

"Yeah I'm ready. Is Emmy?" I ask turning around to look at him.

"She is basically out the door" Robert laughs.

I laugh as well as we exit the bathroom. Emily is literally out the door as she leans against the hallway in front of the door with her tinkerbell backpack, little pink purse and her matching tinkerbell suitcase.

"Excited Em?" I smile at her as I grab my own large black purse with a few books to keep me from getting bored.

"Yes! I've never been to china before and I love Chinese food!" she squeals happily.

Seeing her this excited makes both Robert and I smile. Robert calls for a bell boy to take our suitcases to the car as we take the elevator down.

"Emmy someone can take your suitcase for you so you don't have to carry it everywhere" Robert smiles as he holds her hand.

"No Robbie I like holding my things" she smiles.

"Can I buy stuff in china?" Emily asks flattering her eyelashes at us.

"Of course Emmy. You can buy whatever you want" Robert grins.

"Um no. There are limits" I interrupt.

Emily goes to argue but the elevator reaches the ground floor and cuts her off.

Once the elevator door is open we walk over to the car pick up where a black Sudan is waiting.

Emily doesn't wait for us as she squeals and jumps instead. Robert and I laugh. Deciding to be mean I say.

"Um Emmy. Thats not our car" I say softly.

Emily's eyes widen as she quickly jumps out and hides behind my legs looking around for the owners of the car.

Robert and I both laugh loudly as Emily looks up at us confused. When she realises she gently punches my leg before giggling.

"Not funny" she says with hands on her hip but there is a gentle smile on her lips tell me she isn't upset.

"It was a little. Come on baby lets go" I smile at her as we get into the car.

Emily waits until Robert and I to get in before she gets in. Once we are in she squeezes into the back seat.

Before to long our suitcases are placed in the boot and we are half way to the airport.

"Can we go to the Great Wall of China" Emily asks hopefully.

"Yes we can. I'm not working Thursday so we will go then" Robert smiles.

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