Chapter Thirty-Six

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"Antony your room is the guest bedroom through here" I smile.

I lead them down the hall and open the door. A room painted pale blue with soft ebony carpet, double bed with red and white bed covers, a sofa chair in one corner, with a stack of books on the stool next to it, drawers and a wardrobe litter the other side of the room.

Antony grins as both he and Julian throw themselves onto the bed with a grin.

"Oh! Cole made a new house rule, no sex or anything sexual when Emily is in the house" I say as mum and I walk out the door.

"Mum, you will be staying in with Em for a while until Cole clears out the sunroom downstairs" I frown.

"Its fine honey, I'm beyond grateful with whatever. I'm sure you and Cole are thrill to be living together shame you had to bring your mum and brother" mum laughs gently.

I laugh as well as we reach Emily's room. I open the door and we walk in.

"You can have Emily's bed and Em will have the spare bed, she is happy to have a room mate. Oh and she also cleared some of her stuff out" I smile pointing to the empty drawers and shelves.

"She is such a good girl" mum smiles.

"She is perfect" I agree, "well I will leave you to it" I add as I walk out.

On my way out I hear mum yell, "I will pick Emily up today!"

"Ok mum thanks" I call back.

I quickly hurry downstairs and into Cole's office. When I enter, Cole is hunched over on his desk deep in focus though he looks up and gives me a small smile then goes back to working.

I walk behind him and lean my body against his back, wrap my arms around him and rest my chin on his shoulder.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask looking over his shoulder.

Papers litter his desk and I have no idea what they are about.

"Just work, I can't discuss it" Cole says as he leans his head into mine and rests his cheek against mine.

"Sounds interesting" I smile as I let him go and stand up.

Cole turns around in his swinging chair and faces me. He gently grabs my hand and pulls me towards him so I sitting on his lap. I snuggle into him as Cole wraps his arms around me.

"Hopefully we can start being more couple-like. Me living here, making dinner and stuff" I whisper.

"Just holding you now is enough for me" Cole smiles.

I smile as he rests his head against mine.

"I can never tell you enough Victoria but I'm in love with you" Cole smiles.

"I'm in love with you too Cole but you're not working tonight so you are cooking dinner" I grin as I kiss his cheek and stand up.

"You're lucky I'm craving steak" Cole smiles.

I frown at him, "yeah lets not talk about cravings" I say as I walk out.

I'm craving peanut butter again and its annoying me because I normally don't like it but I always crave weird stuff around when my periods are due so that's not abnormal.

I walk into the kitchen and open the food cupboard looking for peanut butter finally I find it on the top shelf.

I open the drawers and grab a teaspoon and sit in the bench still holding the teaspoon and the jar of peanut butter.

I quickly open the jar and start eating it by the spoonfuls. Sticky nutty goodness sticks to the top of my mouth but I continue eating it anyway.

"Um Tori what are you doing?" Julian asks as he walks in.

"Don't know just eating peanut butter want some?" I say with my mouth full.

Julian just laughs as he shakes his head no. He gives me a look and I nod my head yes. With a smile he looks in the cupboard for something to eat.

"There are packets of chips towards the left" I say once I have successfully swallowed all the peanut butter.

"Yum thanks, can we eat in the room?" Julian asks as he grabs BBQ chips.

"Yeah just don't make a mess, take out the rubbish and don't let Emily find out" I smile.

"Thanks. Um Tori?"


"Thank you for accepting me into to family" Julian smiles.

I smile back at him as I walk over. I throw my arms around his shoulders and we hug each other.

"No, thank you for making my brother so happy" I grin.

We just grin at each other as we let each other go. Julian walks out of the kitchen and I sit back on the bench and continue eating the peanut butter.

After ten minutes Antony enters the kitchen with the empty chip packet.

"Sis since when have you liked peanut butter?" Antony questions.

"Dunno actually. Since I got whacked in the face" I smile.

Antony frowns at me. Before he can say anything I speak first.

"Come on bro we always make jokes about bad things to deal with them" I say in a baby voice.

Antony finally smiles, "well if it only takes a whack to get you to like food they should have done it when you were a kid to make you eat green beans."

I giggle at him.

"How's your head?" I ask seriously.

"It's alright I have a slight head ache but Cole has given me tablets so hopefully they will work" Antony says.

I just nod as I watch him grab a lemonade can from the fridge. He quickly opens it and uses the lemonade to swallow the pills.

"Your birthday is next week!" I grin as I remember.

"Right, I completely forgot" Antony says.

I'm not going to admit that I did as well.

"Are you having a party?" I ask.

"Yeah my friends at college are planning a night out but mum wants a dinner beforehand" Antony says as he remembers.

"Awesome! Wait what do you want for your present?" I ask.

"Surprise me" he grins as he walks out.

I sit back and think. After a few minutes I'm still can't think of anything. I jump of the bench and go to Cole's office.

"Cole, Antony's birthday is next week what should we get him?" I ask as I enter.

"What about an apartment in the city?" Cole suggests.

"I'm sorry what? I don't think I heard right" I say confused as I walk over to him.

"My friend has an apartment in the city his wants to rent out. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, tenth floor. In a great street. He can rent it to Antony for two hundred a week" Cole smiles.

"Really!" I grin excitedly.

Cole just grins as he nods his head yes. I throw my arms around him and kiss his lips.

"So this is what I have to do to get a kiss from you" Cole laughs against my lips.

I just smile as I deepen the kiss. Before we can go any further I pull back.

"You're such a tease" Cole smiles.

I lean up so my lips brush over his lips when I talk.

"Yeah, and you love me for it."

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Question- do you think Antony will like his present?

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