Chapter Eleven

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**Author's Note**
Okay so this is the first chapter that gets..exotic and sexual. When I write about anything sexual, I go into great-great detail, so like I said before if you're not comfortable with things like that, don't read the book because this is just the start 😘
Oh and don't forget to like and comment

The next morning I wake up in Cole's bed. He must have carried me in here when I passed out on the couch last night. I move over to snuggle him but he isn't there. I sit up and look at the alarm clock, it's a little after ten am.

"Emily!" I say as I untangle myself from the sheets and get up. School started an hour ago! Cole relies on me to get Emily up and ready for school! How could I sleep in?

When I get to her room, Emily isn't there. I quickly run downstairs to look for her. Racing into the kitchen, I nearly collide with Cole.

"I slept in! Where's Emily? She has school" I pant.

Cole just chuckles, "I got her ready and drove her. You my gorgeous girl, were suppose to sleep in."

"Oh! Well that's good then but why did you let me sleep in?" I ask placing a hand on my hip.

"Because you deserve a sleep in and breakfast in bed. Which by the way, I was just finishing making" Cole smiles.

I take a deep breath in and smell the delicious smell of bacon, "want me to go back to bed?" I grin.

"Actually yes! Now go" Cole laughs with a smack to my ass.

I gasp then giggle at him. Turning on my heal, I quickly run back to the bedroom and jump into bed. While I wait, I grab my phone to look at the pictures that Cole posted of us.

We look like the perfect family and I can't stop grinning. I look at the comments of the picture of all three of us.

I scroll through grinning, a lot of people comment on how beautiful Emily is and how much she has grown.

I stop scrolling when I see someone asks who the "sexy brunette is."

I can't help but giggle, I stop giggling when I see Cole's reply; "the most beautiful and kind heart girl you could ever met. She is truly amazing."

This time I squeal. I put my phone back and snuggle into the bed.

As I put the blankets over me I notice I'm in different clothes. Before I can think more into it Cole walks in.

"Breakfast in bed for my beautiful future wife" he grins.

My smile grows wide and he comes near.

"Future wife?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Did I say that?" Cole says with mock confusion.

I just giggle as he places the tray of food on the bedside table.

"Cole how did I get into these clothes?" I asks as I grab a piece of toast.

"I undressed you and dressed you. You looked so uncomfortable, do you mind?" Cole asks.

"No" I smile, "its not like you haven't seen me half naked before" I say, "Well you have only seen the top half and..wait" I say as I pull back the pj pants,I'm wearing undies, the same ones.

"The temptation was unbearable considering how amazing your scent is" Cole whispers.

I look up and notice his eyes are dilated and he is licking his lip. I continue looking at him when I realise what he said.

In Love with my Dad's Best Friend.... (A Steamy Romance)[ Completed]Where stories live. Discover now